Genuine Ruby Spheres and Eggs: Ruby in Kyanite Spheres, Ruby in Fuchsite Spheres, Ruby in Zoisite Spheres & solid Ruby Spheres!

Collectable Ruby Spheres & Eggs and other Natural Ruby Items in our Online Store

The® Virtual Gallery - Collector Quality Ruby Spheres At Miners' Prices!TM

Ruby Spheres
(natural red corundum)

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Ruby Sphere, 18.7mm diameter

Code: rbys224
This natural color ruby sphere weighs 68.6 carats
Ruby Sphere Dimensions: 0.74 inches in diameter (18.7mm)
Handcrafted from a natural ruby crystal mined in India
Price: $82.32
This rare sphere of pure natural ruby was hand-ground and polished from a natural color purplish-red ruby crystal of superior cabochon quality that was mined in India. This genuine ruby is unheated and untreated.

Ruby Sphere, 20.6mm diameter

Code: rbys225
This natural color ruby sphere weighs 92.8 carats
Ruby Sphere Dimensions: 0.81 inches in diameter (20.6mm)
Handcrafted from a natural ruby crystal mined in India
Price: $92.80
This rare sphere of natural ruby was hand-ground and polished from a natural color purplish-red ruby crystal of superior cabochon quality that was mined in India. This genuine ruby is unheated and untreated. There are several tiny metallic magnetite inclusions embedded in the ruby's surface on the opposite side. See also an opposite side view of this ruby sphere.

Ruby Egg, 32mm tall

Code: rbys228
This natural color ruby egg weighs 201.95 carats
Ruby Sphere Dimensions: 1.25 inches tall x 1.0 inch in diameter
Handcrafted from a natural ruby crystal mined in India
Price: $161.56
This rare egg of natural pure ruby was hand-ground and polished from a natural color purplish-red ruby crystal of cabochon quality that was mined in India. This genuine ruby is unheated and untreated. See also an opposite side view of this ruby egg.

Ruby Sphere, 30mm diameter

Code: rbys229
This natural color ruby sphere weighs 273.4 carats
Ruby Sphere Dimensions: 1.2 inches in diameter (30mm)
Handcrafted from a natural ruby crystal mined in India
Price: $273.40
This rare sphere of pure natural ruby was hand-ground and polished from a natural color purplish-red ruby crystal of superior cabochon quality that was mined in India. This genuine ruby is unheated and untreated. See also an opposite side view of this ruby sphere.

Ruby Sphere, 35mm diameter

Code: rbys233
This natural color ruby sphere weighs 453.1 carats
Ruby Sphere Dimensions: 1.4 inches in diameter (35mm)
Handcrafted from a natural ruby crystal mined in India
Price: $453.10
This rare sphere of natural ruby was hand-ground and polished from a natural color purplish-red ruby crystal of superior cabochon quality that was mined in India. This genuine ruby is unheated and untreated. There are some tiny metallic magnetite crystals embedded in the ruby's surface. See also an opposite side view of this ruby sphere.

Ruby Sphere, 40.4mm diameter

Code: rbys234
This natural color ruby sphere weighs 685 carats
Ruby Sphere Dimensions: 1.6 inches in diameter (40.4mm)
Handcrafted from a natural ruby crystal mined in India
Price: $685.00
This rare sphere of natural ruby was hand-ground and polished from a natural color purplish-red ruby crystal of superior cabochon quality that was mined in India. This genuine ruby is unheated and untreated. There are some tiny metallic magnetite crystals embedded in the ruby's surface. See also an opposite side view of this ruby sphere.

Ruby Sphere, 2 inch diameter

Code: rbys226
This natural color ruby sphere weighs 1426.5 carats (285.3 grams = 0.63 pounds)
Ruby Sphere Dimensions: 2.04 inches in diameter (51.8mm)
Handcrafted from a natural ruby crystal mined in India
Price: $556.34
This rare sphere of natural ruby was hand-ground and polished from a natural color purplish-red ruby crystal of cabochon quality that was mined in India. This genuine ruby sphere has amazing deep purplish-red natural color - it is unheated and untreated. There is some blue kyanite on the opposite surface. Over 90% of this sphere is pure ruby! See also an opposite side view of this ruby with kyanite sphere.

Ruby Sphere, 2.55 inch diameter

Code: rbys227
This natural color ruby sphere weighs 2725 carats (545 grams = 1.2 pounds)
Ruby Sphere Dimensions: 2.55 inches in diameter (65mm)
Handcrafted from a natural ruby crystal mined in India
Price: $817.50
This rare sphere of natural ruby was hand-ground and polished from a natural color purplish-red ruby crystal of cabochon quality that was mined in India. This genuine ruby sphere has deep purplish-red natural color - it is unheated and untreated. There is some light blue kyanite intergrown with the ruby. Over 80% of this sphere is ruby. See also a side view of this ruby with kyanite sphere.

Ruby in Kyanite Sphere, 2 inch diameter

Code: rbys221
Natural ruby in kyanite sphere weighing 0.6 pounds (269.14 grams)
This genuine ruby in kyanite sphere measures 2" diameter (52mm)
Sawn and polished from natural ruby in kyanite rough mined in India
Price: $269.14
This natural color ruby in blue kyanite sphere measures 2 inches in diameter. It was hand-ground and polished from natural purplish-red ruby with blue kyanite rough that was mined in India. The photo at left was taken under incandescent light. See also an opposite side view of this ruby in kyanite sphere.

Ruby in Blue Kyanite Sphere, 2.2 inch diameter

Code: rbys196
340.9 grams (0.75 pounds)
2.2" diameter (56mm)
from a natural ruby rough mined in India
Price: $392.03
This rare quality sphere of natural color ruby in blue kyanite measures 2.2" in diameter. It was hand-ground and polished from natural purplish-red ruby in blue kyanite rough that was mined in India. The rubies in this rare sphere show amazing very distinct crystal outlines! The photo at left was taken under incandescent light.

Ruby in Blue Kyanite Sphere, 2.3 inch diameter

Code: rbys197
376.2 grams (0.82 pounds)
2.3" diameter (58mm)
from a natural ruby rough mined in India
Price: $413.82
This natural color ruby in blue kyanite sphere measures 2.3" in diameter. It was hand-ground and polished from natural purplish-red ruby in blue kyanite rough that was mined in India. The rubies show distinct crystal outlines within the blue kyanite matrix. The photo at left was taken under incandescent light.

Blue Kyanite Sphere with Ruby Crystals, 2.5 inch diameter

Code: rbys198
497.45 grams (1.1 pounds)
2.5" diameter (64mm)
Handcrafted from natural ruby in kyanite rough mined in India
Price: $572.07
This rare sphere of natural color ruby in blue kyanite measures 2.5" in diameter. It was hand-ground and polished from natural blue kyanite rough with purplish-red ruby crystals that was mined in India. The rubies show distinct crystal outlines within the blue kyanite!

Ruby Sphere with Kyanite, 2.7 inch diameter

Code: rbys206
Natural ruby in kyanite sphere weighing 1.37 pounds (621 grams)
This genuine ruby in kyanite sphere measures 2.7" diameter (68mm)
Sawn and polished from natural ruby rough mined in India
Price: $434.70
This natural color ruby with blue kyanite sphere measures 2.7 inches in diameter. It was hand-ground and polished from natural purplish-red ruby with blue kyanite rough that was mined in India. This sphere is composed of approximately 50% ruby crystals intergrown with the kyanite. The photo at left was taken under incandescent light. See also a back-view of this ruby with kyanite sphere.

Large Ruby Sphere with Blue Kyanite!

Code: rbys192
Natural ruby with blue kyanite sphere weighing 1430 grams (3.15 pounds!)
This rare size ruby with sphere measures 3.5" diameter (89mm)
Handcrafted from natural ruby rough mined in India
Price: $1425.00
This natural color ruby with blue kyanite sphere weighs 3.15 pounds & measures 3.5 inches in diameter! It was hand-ground and polished from natural color purplish-red ruby with blue kyanite rough that was mined in India. Over 70% of this sphere is ruby!

Ruby in Fuchsite Sphere, 1.8 inch

Code: rbys222
Fuchsite with ruby sphere size: 1.8" diameter
Handcrafted from rough mined in India
Price: $98.50
This unique 1.8 inch diameter sphere was hand-ground & polished in India with a slightly uneven surface from natural color ruby in fuchsite rough. It has a few dozen ruby crystals exposed around its surface, and there are ruby crystals exposed on the opposite side as well. See an opposite side view of this natural color ruby in fuchsite sphere.

Ruby in Fuchsite Sphere, 1.8 inch

Code: rbys223
Fuchsite with ruby sphere size: 1.8" diameter
Handcrafted from rough mined in India
Price: $112.50
This 1.8 inch diameter sphere was hand-ground & polished in India with a slightly uneven surface from natural color ruby in fuchsite rough. This unique sphere has more than 50 ruby crystals exposed around its surface! See an opposite side view of this natural color ruby in fuchsite sphere.

Ruby in Fuchsite Sphere, 2 inch

Code: rbys215
Fuchsite with ruby sphere size: 2" diameter
Handcrafted from rough mined in India
Price: $114.50
This sphere was hand-ground & polished in India with a slightly uneven surface from natural color ruby in fuchsite rough. this unique fuchsite sphere has a few dozen ruby crystals exposed around its surface.

Ruby in Fuchsite Sphere, 2.6 inch

Code: rbys219
Fuchsite with ruby sphere size: 2.6" diameter
Handcrafted from rough mined in India
Price: $218.50
This 2.6 inch diameter sphere was hand-ground & polished in India with a slightly uneven surface from natural color ruby in fuchsite rough. It has dozens of ruby crystals exposed around its surface. There is a large ruby crystal exposed on the opposite side as well. See also an opposite side view of this natural color ruby in fuchsite sphere.

Ruby in Fuchsite Sphere, 3.2 inch

Code: rbys220
Fuchsite with ruby sphere size: 3.2" diameter
Handcrafted from rough mined in India
Price: $294.50
This 3.2 inch diameter sphere was hand-ground & polished in India with a slightly uneven surface from natural color ruby in fuchsite rough. It has dozens of ruby crystals exposed around its surface. There are many ruby crystals exposed on the opposite side as well. See also an opposite side view of this natural color ruby in fuchsite sphere.

Fuchsite with Ruby Egg, 3.15 inches tall

Code: rbys174
3.15" tall x 2.5" wide
handcrafted from rough mined in India
Price: $224.50
This egg was hand-ground & polished in India with a slightly uneven surface from natural color ruby in fuchsite rough. It has dozens of ruby crystals exposed around its surface. The photo at left was taken under incandescent light.

Fuchsite with Ruby Egg, 3.3 inches tall

Code: rbys175
3.3" tall x 2" wide
handcrafted from rough mined in India
Price: $246.50
This egg was hand-ground & polished in India with a slightly uneven surface from natural color ruby in fuchsite rough. It has dozens of ruby crystals exposed around its surface. The photo at left was taken under incandescent light.

Fuchsite with Ruby Lingham, 4.8 inches long!

This unique item is sold.
Code: rbys178-e
Handcrafted ruby in fuchsite lingham weighing 3.0 Lbs
Lingham Dimensions: 4.8" long x 3.3" wide
Handcrafted from rough mined in India
Price: $465.20
This lingham was hand-ground & polished in India with a slightly uneven surface from natural color ruby in fuchsite rough. It has dozens of ruby crystals exposed around its surface. The photo at left was taken under incandescent light.

100mm Fuchsite with Ruby Sphere (3.95 inch)

Code: fucs120
3.2 Lbs
3.95" diameter (100mm)
handcrafted from rough mined in India
Price: $361.25
This sphere was hand-ground & polished in India from a piece of natural ruby in fuchsite rough that was mined in India. It has more than a dozen ruby crystals exposed around its surface.

Fuchsite with Ruby Lingham, 6.3 inches long

Code: rbys179
6.0 Lbs
6.3" long x 4" in diameter!
handcrafted from rough mined in India
Price: $761.25
This lingham was hand-ground & polished in India with a slightly uneven surface from natural color ruby in fuchsite rough. It has dozens of ruby crystals exposed around its surface. The photo at left was taken under incandescent light.

11.3 pound Fuchsite with Ruby Sphere!

Code: rbys180
Fuchsite with ruby sphere weighs 11.3 Lbs!
6.0" diameter
Handcrafted from natural ruby in fuchsite rough mined in India
Price: $1341.25
This large sphere was hand-ground & polished in India with a slightly uneven surface from natural color ruby in fuchsite rough. It has dozens of genuine ruby crystals exposed around its surface. The photo at left was taken under incandescent light.

Ruby Egg, 2.2 inches tall

Code: rbys230
This natural color ruby egg weighs 872 carats (174.4 grams)
Ruby Egg Dimensions: 2.2 inches tall x 1.5 inches in diameter (55mm x 38.5mm)
Handcrafted from a natural ruby crystal mined in India
Price: $218.00
This rare egg of natural ruby was hand-ground and polished from a natural color purplish-red ruby crystal of cabochon quality that was mined in India. This genuine ruby egg has purplish-red natural color - it is unheated and untreated. There is some blue kyanite intergrown with the ruby. Over 80% of this egg is ruby. See a side view of this genuine ruby with kyanite egg. See also an additional side view of this unique ruby with kyanite egg.

Ruby Egg, 2.5 inches tall

Code: rbys231
This natural color ruby egg weighs 1254 carats (250.8 grams)
Ruby Egg Dimensions: 2.5 inches tall x 1.7 inches in diameter (64.5mm x 43.5mm)
Handcrafted from a natural ruby crystal mined in India
Price: $376.20
This rare egg of natural ruby was hand-ground and polished from a natural color purplish-red ruby crystal of cabochon quality that was mined in India. This genuine ruby egg has purplish-red natural color - it is unheated and untreated. There is some blue kyanite intergrown with the ruby. Over 90% of this egg is ruby. See an opposite side view of this unique ruby with kyanite egg.

Ruby Egg, 3 inches tall

Code: rbys232
This natural color ruby egg weighs 2190 carats (438 grams)
Ruby Egg Dimensions: 3 inches tall x 2.1 inches in diameter (77mm x 54mm)
Handcrafted from a natural ruby crystal mined in India
Price: $722.00
This rare size egg of natural ruby was hand-ground and polished from a natural color purplish-red ruby crystal of cabochon quality that was mined in India. This genuine ruby egg has purplish-red natural color - it is unheated and untreated. There is some blue kyanite intergrown with the ruby. Over 85% of this egg is ruby. See a side view of this large ruby with kyanite egg. See also an additional side view of this unique large ruby with kyanite egg.

Ruby Spheres

Our Ruby Spheres are handcrafted from natural ruby rough mined in India!

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Ruby Rings Ruby Earrings

Natural Ruby

Red corundum has been popularly known as ruby for thousands of years. Transparent red corundum is extremely rare in nature. As a result, natural ruby gemstones are considered to be one of the rarest and most valuable of all gemstones! Ruby is still being mined today at several locations around the world. We specialize in unheated and untreated real ruby that was mined in the earth! Right now, we are offering natural raw ruby pieces in all sizes including some very rare large ruby mineral specimens & large ruby crystals weighing over 10,000 carats each!

See our selection of real ruby gemstones that were handcrafted from natural ruby crystals! Be sure to see our real ruby jewelry items set with these genuine ruby gemstones.

See our genuine ruby earrings and our ruby rings.

See also our genuine ruby jewelry page.

Each of our ruby spheres was handcrafted from a natural ruby crystal or from natural ruby in matrix lapidary rough.

Ruby Gemstones

Our ruby gemstones are mined in Mozambique, Burma, Vietnam, Thailand, Africa, Madagascar, and in India. Here at, we do not have any lab-created ruby, we have no glass filled ruby, and we do not have any diffusion treated ruby, guaranteed!

We specialize in genuine ruby necklaces. Our faceted ruby gemstone necklaces are set in solid 14k gold, and our ruby bead necklace designs are handcrafted in 925 sterling silver. We have a selection of different sizes, styles and shapes available in handcrafted 14k gold ruby necklace designs.

Mozambique Ruby Gemstone Ruby Crystal

For more information about natural ruby and its history, physical properties, chemistry, occurance, and metaphysical uses be sure to see our corundum information page (ruby is red corundum).

See also our pages displaying genuine ruby crystals and genuine ruby gemstones.

Natural Gemstone Spheres

We offer collectable gemstone spheres in dozens of different natural gem varieties.

Be sure to see also our natural gemstone sphere pages.

See the links below for a selection of superior quality collectable mineral spheres.

Natural Mineral Spheres and Eggs

Corundum Information & Ruby Products

RUBY Facts & Information:

For more information about natural ruby and its history, physical properties, chemistry, occurance, and metaphysical uses be sure to see our ruby information page.

To see photos of another mineral variety, select any link in our Mineral Inventory & Factsheet Index.

To see more ruby photos, just select another ruby link shown below.

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Ruby Spheres

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Last Updated: July 6, 2024
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