Kyanite Specimens: Blue Kyanite Mineral Specimens Kyanite Crystals and Blue Kyanite Mineral Specimens (black kyanite crystals too)

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The® Virtual Gallery - Collector Quality Kyanite Crystals and Blue Kyanite Mineral Specimens At Miners' Prices!TM

Kyanite Crystals and Blue Kyanite in Matrix Mineral Specimens
(also gray-black kyanite mineral specimens & crystals)

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Click on any natural color kyanite crystal or kyanite mineral specimen image below to enlarge it.

Blue Kyanite Crystal

Code: kyam355
This natural color kyanite crystal is 4.3" long x 0.3" x 0.15"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $31.95
This natural kyanite mineral specimen is a blade-like blue kyanite crystal measuring 4.3 inches long. The photo at left shows this natural kyanite crystal being held up to a light. The kyanite is semi-transparent with amazing deep blue natural color!

Blue Kyanite Crystal

Code: kyam356
This natural color kyanite crystal is 6.7" long x 1.3" x 0.5"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $41.95
This natural kyanite mineral specimen is a large blade-like blue kyanite crystal measuring 6.7 inches long. The kyanite is opaque to translucent with natural blue color.

Blue Kyanite Crystals

Code: kyam357
This natural color kyanite specimen is 5.4" long x 1.3" x 0.7"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $41.95
This natural kyanite mineral specimen is composed of several intergrown blade-like raw blue kyanite crystals with a small amount of quartz. The kyanite is translucent with some small semi-transparent areas. See an opposite side view of this natural mineral specimen of intergrown blue kyanite crystals.

Blue Kyanite Crystals

Code: kyam344
This natural color kyanite specimen is 7.2" long x 1.2" x 0.9"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $44.95
This natural kyanite mineral specimen is composed of intergrown blade-like raw blue kyanite crystals with a small amount of quartz. The kyanite is translucent with some small semi-transparent areas.

Blue Kyanite in Quartz Matrix

This unique item is sold.
Code: kyam346
This natural color kyanite in matrix specimen is 5.3" long x 2.4" x 1.7"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $46.95
This natural kyanite mineral specimen has over a dozen blue kyanite crystals each measuring up to 4 inches long in a matrix of semi-transparent quartz crystal.

Blue Kyanite Crystals in Quartz

Code: kyam334
This natural color kyanite in matrix specimen is 4" long x 3.0" x 2.4"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $46.95
This natural kyanite mineral specimen has blade-like blue kyanite crystals in a matrix of semi-transparent quartz. See an opposite side view of this natural mineral specimen of blue kyanite crystals in quartz.

Blue Kyanite Crystals in Quartz Matrix

Code: kyam348
Natural color blue kyanite in matrix specimen weighing 1.1 Lbs
This natural kyanite in matrix specimen is 3.7" long x 3.4" x 2.5"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $54.50
This raw kyanite mineral specimen has a few dozen blade-like natural color blue kyanite crystals. The kyanites are in a matrix of translucent quartz.

Blue Kyanite Crystals with Quartz

Code: kyam358
This natural color kyanite in matrix specimen is 6.4" long x 2" x 1.7"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $61.50
This natural kyanite mineral specimen is a mass of large blade-like blue kyanite crystals with a small amount of semi-transparent quartz.

Blue Kyanite Crystals with Quartz

Code: kyam336
This natural color kyanite in matrix specimen is 5" long x 3.2" x 1.9"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $64.50
This natural kyanite mineral specimen has large blade-like blue kyanite crystals with a matrix of semi-transparent quartz.

Blue Kyanite Crystals in Quartz

Code: kyam347
Kyanite in matrix specimen is 6.1" long x 2.2" x 1.7"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $68.50
This raw kyanite mineral specimen has large blade-like natural color blue kyanite crystals in a matrix of semi-transparent quartz. The largest kyanite crystal is 5 inches long! See also an opposite side view of this natural specimen of kyanite crystals in quartz matrix.

Blue Kyanite Crystals in Quartz

Code: kyam335
This natural color kyanite in matrix specimen is 6" long x 2.8" x 1.6"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $68.50
This raw kyanite mineral specimen has large blade-like natural color blue kyanite crystals with a matrix of semi-transparent quartz. See an opposite side view of this natural mineral specimen of blue kyanite crystals in quartz.

Blue Kyanite Crystals in Quartz

Code: kyam338
Natural color blue kyanite in matrix specimen weighing 1.7 Lbs
Kyanite in matrix specimen is 6.5" long x 3.8" x 2"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $78.50
This natural kyanite mineral specimen has large blade-like blue kyanite crystals with a matrix of semi-transparent quartz. See an opposite side view of this natural blue kyanite in quartz specimen.

Blue Kyanite in Quartz Decorator Mineral Specimen

Code: kyam300
Natural color blue kyanite in matrix specimen weighing 3.0 Lbs
This natural specimen of kyanite in matrix is 6.1" long x 4.7" x 3"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $118.95
This natural blue kyanite decorator specimen has dozens of blade-like blue kyanite crystals arranged in interesting patterns, embedded within a matrix of translucent to semi-transparent quartz crystal. The longest kyanite crystal is 6 inches long.

Blue Kyanite in Quartz Decorator Specimen

Code: kyam350
Natural color blue kyanite in matrix specimen weighing 2.8 Lbs
Kyanite in matrix specimen is 7.3" long x 3.3" x 2.5"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $118.95
This raw blue kyanite decorator mineral specimen has more than 100 blade-like natural color blue kyanite crystals in a matrix of translucent to semi-transparent quartz! See also an opposite side view of this large blue kyanite decorator mineral specimen.

Large Blue Kyanite in Quartz Decorator Specimen

Code: kyam306
Natural color blue kyanite in matrix specimen weighing 7.7 Lbs
This natural specimen of kyanite in matrix is 12" long x 5" x 4"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $265.00
This large decorator specimen of blue kyanite in matrix has dozens of natural color blade-like blue kyanite crystals embedded within a matrix of translucent to semi-transparent quartz crystal. See an opposite side view of this large blue kyanite in quartz mineral specimen.

Large Blue Kyanite Decorator Mineral Specimen

Code: kyam325
Natural color blue kyanite mineral specimen weighing 17.9 Lbs
This natural specimen of blue kyanite is 13" long x 6.5" x 5.5"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $545.00
This natural blue kyanite decorator specimen has blade-like blue kyanite crystals in quartz matrix. The longest kyanite crystal is 8 inches long. See also an opposite side view of this large blue kyanite decorator mineral specimen.

Small Black Kyanite Specimens, 3 sizes

Code: kyam149x
These black kyanite specimens were mined in Brazil. They actually have a dark gray color, and crystallized as aggregates of blade-like crystals in intergrown "fan-like" or "spray" shapes. They are great as inexpensive specimens for mineral collections, and they also are very popular for metaphysical purposes. We have 3 sizes of hand-selected superior quality pieces available: 2 to 2.5 inches long, 3 to 3.5 inches long and 4 to 4.5 inches long (sizes are approximate). Please see below for prices and ordering.
2 to 2.5 inch Black Kyanite Specimens

Code: kyam149a
Price: $6.95 each

3 to 3.5 inch Black Kyanite Specimens

Code: kyam149b
Price: $11.95 each

4 to 4.5 inch Black Kyanite Specimens

Code: kyam149c
Price: $18.95 each

Blue Kyanite Crystals, in 5 sizes

Code: kyam153x
These natural color blue kyanite pieces were mined in Brazil. They are great as mineral specimens, and also for metaphysical use. We are offering discounted volume prices on superior quality pieces in 5 approximate sizes. Please see below to order.
1.5 inch Blue Kyanite Crystals

Code: kyam153ae
Price: $2.45 each
Minimum Order: 8 pieces

2 inch Blue Kyanite Crystals

Code: kyam153be
Price: $3.95 each
Minimum Order: 6 pieces

2.75 inch Blue Kyanite Crystals

Code: kyam153ce
Price: $6.95 each
Minimum Order: 4 pieces

3.5 inch Blue Kyanite Crystals

Code: kyam153de
Price: $11.95 each
Minimum Order: 2 pieces

Blue Kyanite Crystal

Code: kyam352
This natural color kyanite crystal is 4.3" long x 0.7" x 0.2"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $24.50
This natural kyanite mineral specimen is a 4.3 inch long blade-like blue kyanite crystal.

Blue Kyanite Crystals

Code: kyam342
This natural color kyanite specimen is 4.3" long x 0.8" x 0.6"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $24.50
This natural kyanite mineral specimen is composed of intergrown blade-like blue kyanite crystals. The kyanite is translucent with some semi-transparent areas.

Blue Kyanite Crystals

Code: kyam349
This natural color kyanite specimen is 4.6" long x 0.7" x 0.5"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $28.95
This natural kyanite mineral specimen is composed of intergrown blade-like blue kyanite crystals. The kyanite is translucent with some semi-transparent areas.

Large Blue Kyanite Crystal

Code: kyam327
This natural color kyanite crystal is 6.5" long x 0.8" x 0.4"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $34.95
This natural kyanite mineral specimen is composed of intergrown blade-like blue kyanite crystals.

Blue Kyanite Crystal

Code: kyam354
This natural color kyanite crystal is 5.6" long x 0.7" x 0.5"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $34.95
This natural kyanite mineral specimen is a 5.6 inch long blade-like blue kyanite crystal.

Blue Kyanite Crystal

Code: kyam353
This natural color kyanite crystal is 3.6" long x 1.1" x 0.3"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $34.95
This natural kyanite mineral specimen is a 3.6 inch long blade-like blue kyanite crystal.

Large Blue Kyanite Crystal

Code: kyam351
This natural color kyanite crystal is 5.9" long x 0.75" x 0.25"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $34.95
This natural kyanite mineral specimen is a 5.9 inch long blade-like blue kyanite crystal. See an opposite side view of this blue kyanite crystal.

Our Kyanite in Matrix Mineral Specimens, Raw Kyanite, and our Kyanite Crystals were all mined in Brazil

There are three polymorphs of Al2SiO5: andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite. Each of these minerals has the same chemical composition but differing crystal structure. Be sure to see our natural andalusite mineral specimens & andalusite crystals, and our natural sillimanite mineral specimens.

Kyanite Earrings Kyanite Necklace

See also our pages displaying natural color blue kyanite gemstones & blue kyanite necklaces, and our genuine blue kyanite earrings.

Kyanite Mineral Specimens & Kyanite Crystals in Matrix

We do have more Natural Kyanite Mineral Specimens in stock!

Our larger size specimens of kyanite crystals in quartz matrix make very attractive decorator mineral specimens. Kyanite specimens also are very popular for metaphysical use, as well as for mineral collections.

Black Tourmaline in Matrix Mineral Specimens

Be sure to also see our black tourmaline in matrix specimens and our other naturally terminated black tourmaline mineral specimens. See our natural color pink kunzite mineral specimens and yellow Kunzite Crystals.

See our pages displaying genuine emerald mineral specimens, natural aquamarine crystals, natural citrine crystals, natural black tourmaline crystals, and our page displaying natural tourmaline crystals of all colors.

We have been mining professionally for aquamarine, citrine, kyanite, topaz, black tourmalines and other gem materials for more than 30 years, and we have a very large variety of naturally terminated crystals and polished crystals available in many different minerals.

We have natural mineral specimens available in a very large variety of minerals including fine pegmatite crystal specimens.

See the links below for a selection of superior quality natural crystals.

Mineral Specimens

Be sure to see our page displaying natural rubellite tourmaline mineral specimens.

See also our pages displaying phantom quartz crystals rutilated quartz crystals.

Kyanite Mineral Specimens

Each one of our kyanite in matrix specimens is completely natural, and they were mined in Brazil. You may have noticed that some of our kyanite has blue color, some have green color, and some are dark gray to black. These are all natural color kyanite mineral specimens. Here at, we do not have any heated or treated kyanite, each of our kyanites is 100% natural! We specialize in superior quality natural kyanite mineral specimens and kyanite crystals in matrix. We do have more kyanite specimens in stock, including some large kyanite decorator specimens! We also have small kyanite mineral specimens available, and these inexpensive kyanite specimens have special volume discounts as well!

To see more Kyanite photos, just select another item category from the table below.

To see photos of another mineral variety, select any item category link in our Mineral Inventory & Factsheet Index.

Kyanite Information

Information about genuine kyanite and its history, physical properties, chemistry, occurance, and metaphysical uses is displayed on our kyanite information page.

Please see the links below for natural kyanite products including kyanite mineral specimens and kyanite jewelry!

See also our page displaying genuine kyanite gemstones.

To see photos of another mineral variety, select any link in our Mineral Inventory & Factsheet Index.

Facts & Information

Kyanite in Matrix Mineral Specimens and other Genuine Kyanite Products in our Online Store

Kyanite Mineral Specimens

Would you like us to inform you when we add on this page more natural color blue kyanite crystals and kyanite in matrix mineral specimens?
We have a large inventory of natural kyanite crystals and blue kyanite in matrix mineral specimens in stock, so be sure to let us know if you have any blue Kyanite crystal special requests. Please contact our webmaster, regarding kyanite crystals or our 'site' geologist with any questions or comments.

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Natural color blue kyanite crystals, black kyanite crystals, and natural blue kyanite in quartz matrix mineral specimens

Last Updated: July 15th, 2024
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