100% natural untreated Aquamarine Crystals! Naturally Terminated Blue-Green Beryl Crystals
Additional Aquamarine Products and other Natural Crystals in our Online Store
We also carry an assortment of stands for small & medium size aquamarine crystals. Would you like us to inform you when we add more natural aquamarine crystals?
Aquamarine is the named variety of the mineral beryl with blue-green natural colors. We are currently offering a very large variety of shapes, sizes and transparencies in natural color blue to green beryl crystals. Green beryl crystals are sometimes called green aquamarine crystals, while blue beryl crystals & blue-green beryl crystals are simply called aquamarine crystals without the color designation.
We have been mining for aquamarine for over 35 years, and we have a very large inventory of genuine aquamarine items in stock - over 5 tons! Our aquamarine crystals and mineral specimens range in size from small gem-grade crystals with flawless transparency to giant aquamarine decorator specimens weighing hundreds of pounds each. We do have some very large aquamarine decorator specimens available as well - our largest aquamarine crystal is a giant translucent decorator specimen weighing almost 1000 pounds! Be sure to let us know if you have any natural aquamarine requests.
For more aquamarine details, see our aquamarine information page.
We have naturally terminated crystals available for many different minerals including fine pegmatite crystal specimens. See our page with links to natural crystals of all mineral varieties! See also our page with links to all of our polished crystals. Follow any link below for a selection of superior quality natural crystals.
See our on-line selection of Natural Aquamarine Crystals!
We also have a page displaying natural pink tourmaline crystals, in addition to our all-in-one page displaying tourmaline crystals of all colors.
See also our mineral specimen pages displaying natural kunzite crystals and natural kyanite crystals.
We also have a page displaying natural quartz crystals with many different types of quartz specimens including large single crystals and quartz clusters. We have a selection of natural ruby crystals which displays some very rare size ruby specimens that were mined in India. Our natural peridot crystals page displays peridot specimens mined in Pakistan and also peridot from the San Carlos Indian Reservation in Arizona, USA. Be sure to see our page displaying natural black tourmaline crystals.
Each one of our aquamarine crystals is completely natural, and they were mined in either Brazil or Pakistan. You may have noticed that some of our aquamarine crystals have pale green or greenish-blue color, that is because we do not heat treat any of our aquamarine crystals. Here at mineralminers.com, we do not have any heated or treated aquamarine crystals, each crystal is 100% natural! We specialize in rare quality natural aquamarine crystals with gem grade transparency, and we do have more aquamarine crystals for mineral collections and metaphysical use in stock, including some very rare quality transparent aquamarine crystals and some very large aquamarine decorator specimens. We also have small aquamarine mineral specimens which are available with special volume discounts. These inexpensive aquamarine specimens are great for metaphysical use and as mineral specimens!
For more information about natural aquamarine and its history, physical properties, chemistry, occurance, and metaphysical uses be sure to see our aquamarine information page.
See also our page displaying genuine Aquamarine Gemstones with many different aquamarine gem shapes & sizes available. We have many very nice matched pairs of aquamarine gems that have been set into genuine Aquamarine Earrings. We specialize in Collector Quality Aquamarines! Information about genuine aquamarine and its history, physical properties, chemistry, occurance, and metaphysical uses is displayed on our aquamarine information page.
To see more aquamarine photos, just select another linked image displayed below.
To see photos of another mineral variety, select any link in our Mineral Inventory & Factsheet Index.
Would you like us to inform you when we add to our natural color blue and green aquamarine crystal collection on this page?
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The mineralminers.com® Virtual Gallery - Collector Quality Aquamarine Crystals At Miners' Prices!TM
Aquamarine Crystals
Try our Natural Aquamarine Crystals Satisfaction Guarantee - compare our prices and our superior quality.
Natural Untreated Aquamarine Crystal SpecimensSelect any aquamarine crystal image below to enlarge it.
See also our Pegmatite Mineral Specimens page.
Our Aquamarine Crystals are 100% Natural Aquamarine!
Aquamarine StoreLinks to Aquamarine Products for Sale:
(follow any of these Links to see more natural aquamarine items)
Natural Crystals & Mineral Specimens
Aquamarine Crystals
See each of our pages displaying genuine Aquamarine Jewelry designs:
Aquamarine Crystals
We have over 150 tons of gem & mineral items in stock at our mineral warehouses, so
be sure to let us know if you have any
natural aquamarine crystal special requests.
Last Updated: November 27th, 2024
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