Apatite Mineral Specimens & Apatite Crystals and Blue Apatite in Jasper Matrix Specimens

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Apatite Mineral Specimens and Apatite Crystals

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Blue Apatite in Jasper Matrix

This unique item is sold.
Code: apam213
Apatite in Jasper Specimen Dimensions: 2.1" x 1.7" x 1.4"
Discovered in Brazil
Price: $28.50
This specimen of brown jasper rough has natural color blue apatite crystals embedded within it and exposed on its surfaces. Some of these apatites show cats eye chatoyancy.

Blue Apatite in Jasper Matrix

This unique item is sold.
Code: apam214
Apatite in Jasper Specimen Dimensions: 3.1" x 2.5" x 2.3"
Discovered in Brazil
Price: $52.50
This specimen of lapidary grade brown jasper rough has several large natural color blue apatite crystals embedded within it and exposed on its surfaces. Some of these apatites show cats eye chatoyancy. It makes a nice specimen of blue apatite in jasper just as it is, although it could be used as lapidary rough to make some beautiful and unique cabochon gems.

Blue Apatite in Jasper Rough Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: apam202
Natural color apatite in jasper matrix specimen weighing 1.5 Lbs
Apatite in Jasper Rough Specimen Dimensions: 5.2" x 3.2" x 2.4"
Mined by hand in 1996 in Brazil
Price: $88.50
This specimen of brown jasper rough has dozens of natural color blue apatite crystals embedded within it and exposed on its surfaces. Some of these apatites show cats eye chatoyancy.

Blue Apatite Mineral Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: apam215
Apatite Specimen Dimensions: 3.7" x 2.8" x 2.2"
Mined by hand in 1996 in Brazil
Price: $114.95
This natural mineral specimen is a portion of a large blue apatite crystal. Some areas show cats eye chatoyancy. There is a small amount of jasper on some surfaces.

Blue Apatite in Jasper

Code: apam192
Natural color apatite in jasper matrix specimen weighing 2 Lbs
Apatite in Jasper Specimen Measures: 4.7" x 4" x 3"
Mined by hand in 1996 in Brazil
Price: $118.50
This specimen of raw brown jasper has natural color blue apatite crystals embedded within it and exposed on its surfaces. Some of these apatites show cats eye chatoyancy. There are several vugs around the surfaces of this specimen, some show botryoidal chalcedony formations inside. This is a very nice mineral specimen just as it is, although it could also be used as lapidary rough. It would yield a large carving with plenty of scraps left over for making very beautiful and unique cabochon gems.

Blue Apatite in Jasper

Code: apam200
Natural color apatite in jasper matrix specimen weighing 2.3 Lbs
Apatite in Jasper Rough Specimen Dimensions: 5.3" x 4" x 3"
Mined by hand in 1996 in Brazil
Price: $128.50
This specimen of brown jasper has many natural color blue apatite crystals embedded within it and exposed on its surfaces. Some of these apatites show cats eye chatoyancy.

Blue Apatite in Jasper Rough Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: apam203
Natural color apatite in jasper matrix specimen weighing 2.3 Lbs
Apatite in Jasper Rough Specimen Dimensions: 5" x 3.7" x 3.6"
Mined in 1996 by local garimperos (miners) in Brazil
Price: $128.50
This specimen of brown jasper rough has numerous natural color blue apatite crystals embedded within it and exposed on its surfaces. Some of these apatites show cats eye chatoyancy.

Lapidary Grade Blue Apatite in Jasper

This unique item is sold.
Code: apam193
Natural color apatite in jasper matrix specimen weighing 8.8 Lbs
Apatite in Jasper Specimen Measures: 6.7" x 6" x 4.3"
Mined by hand in 1996 in Brazil
Price: $248.25
This specimen of brown jasper has natural color blue apatite crystals embedded within it and exposed on its surfaces. Most of these apatites show cats eye chatoyancy. There is a vug with botryoidal chalcedony formations inside. This is a very nice mineral specimen just as it is, although it could also be used as lapidary rough. It would yield a 3.5 inch diameter sphere with plenty of scraps left over for making smaller spheres and beautiful cabochon gems. See also a side view of this lapidary grade specimen of blue apatite in jasper matrix.

Blue Apatite in Jasper Decorator Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: apam194
Natural color blue apatite in jasper matrix specimen weighing 15.8 Lbs
Apatite in Jasper Specimen Measures: 10" x 6.75" x 5.5"
Mined by hand in 1996 in Brazil
Price: $418.95
This wonderful decorator specimen of brown jasper has natural color blue apatite crystals embedded within it and exposed on its surfaces. Most of these apatites show cats eye chatoyancy. There are some a vugs with botryoidal chalcedony formations inside. The largest of the blue apatites is over 4 inches long! See also a side view of this blue apatite in jasper decorator specimen.

Extra Large Jasper with Blue Apatite Decorator Specimen

Code: apam195
Natural color blue apatite in jasper matrix specimen weighing 41.7 Lbs
Apatite in Jasper Specimen Measures: 13" x 10.5" x 9"
Mined by hand in 1996 in Brazil
Price: $942.25
This lapidary grade decorator specimen of brown jasper has natural color blue apatite crystals embedded within it and exposed on its surfaces. The largest of the blue apatites is over 5 inches long. Most of these natural blue apatites show cats eye chatoyancy! There are vugs in the jasper matrix with botryoidal chalcedony formations. In one of the larger vugs there are stalagtitic botryoidal chalcedony formations. See a close-up view of this vug showing the chalcedony with blue apatite. See also a side view of this beautiful blue apatite in jasper decorator specimen.

We also carry an assortment of stands for small & medium sized mineral specimens.

Our Apatite Mineral Specimens and Crystals are 100% natural mineral specimens, they have not been treated in any way.

See also our natural apatite jewelry.

Apatite Jewelry Apatite Earrings

Each one of our apatite specimens is completely natural, and they were all mined in Brazil. Here at mineralminers.com, we do not have any treated apatite, each piece is 100% natural! We do have more apatite in matrix specimens in stock, including large decorator specimens of lapidary grade apatite in jasper matrix weighing over 100 pounds each.

For more information about natural apatite and its history, physical properties, chemistry, occurance, and metaphysical uses be sure to see our apatite information page.

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Blue Apatite
Apatite in Jasper

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Last Updated: October 25, 2024
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