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Mineral Specimens & Crystals of All Minerals
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Our minerals specimens are sold and replaced on a daily basis, so do come back often!

Emeralds in Matrix

Code: emem313
Emerald in Matrix Dimensions: 1.9" x 1.3" x 0.8"
Found in Northern Bahia, Brazil
Price: $38.95
This natural emerald in matrix specimen has several emerald crystals in a matrix of quartz with biotite.

Emeralds in Matrix

Code: emem311
Emerald in Matrix Dimensions: 2.5" x 2.2" x 1.8"
Found in Northern Bahia, Brazil
Price: $41.95
This natural emerald in matrix specimen has several emerald crystals in a matrix of dark gray limestone. The largest emerald is 1/2 inch long.

Emerald Crsyatls in Matrix

This unique item is sold.
Code: emem312
Emerald in Matrix Dimensions: 2" x 1.8" x 1.2"
Found in Northern Bahia, Brazil
Price: $46.95
This natural emerald in matrix specimen has several emerald crystals in a matrix of dark gray limestone. The largest emerald is one inch long.

Emerald in Matrix Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: emem294-e
Emerald in Matrix Dimensions: 2.6" x 1.9" x 1.3"
Found in Northern Bahia, Brazil
Price: $72.20
This natural emerald in matrix specimen has lots of rich green emeralds embedded in a quartz matrix with biotite and some graphite.

Emerald Crystal in Matrix

Code: emem297_emerald-mineral-specimen
Emerald in Matrix Dimensions: 3" x 2.5" x 1.7"
Found in Northern Bahia, Brazil
Price: $54.50
This natural emerald in matrix specimen has a 1.2 inch long emerald crystal in gray crystalline limestone matrix with biotite and a small amount of graphite.

Emeralds in Matrix

Code: emem307
Emerald in Matrix Dimensions: 3" x 2.3" x 1.9"
Found in Northern Bahia, Brazil
Price: $54.50
This natural specimen of raw emerald crystals in matrix has a couple of light green emeralds embedded in a gray crystalline limestone matrix with biotite.

Emeralds in Matrix

Code: emem306
Emerald in Matrix Dimensions: 3.1" x 2" x 1.8"
Found in Northern Bahia, Brazil
Price: $68.50
This natural specimen of raw emeralds in matrix has several emeralds embedded in a gray crystalline limestone matrix with biotite, quartz, and graphite.

Emerald in Matrix

Code: emem255_emerald-specimen
This natural emerald in matrix specimen weighs 0.5 Lbs
Emerald in Matrix Dimensions: 3.3" x 2.4" x 1.5"
Found in Northern Bahia, Brazil
Price: $68.50
This natural emerald in matrix specimen has a 0.9 inch long emerald crystal in a gray crystalline limestone matrix with some graphite.

Emerald in Matrix Specimen

Code: emem290_emerald-specimen
Natural emerald specimen weighs 0.2 Lbs
Emerald in Matrix Dimensions: 2.7" x 1.6" x 1.2"
Found in Northern Bahia, Brazil
Price: $82.50
This natural emerald in matrix specimen has two emerald crystals exposed on its upper surface as shown. The matrix is a gray crystalline limestone.

Emerald in Matrix

Code: emem314
This natural emerald in matrix specimen weighs 0.5 Lbs
Emerald in Matrix Dimensions: 2.7" x 2.5" x 1.6"
Found in Northern Bahia, Brazil
Price: $98.50
This natural specimen of raw emerald in matrix has a large partially terminated emerald crystal embedded in a gray crystalline limestone matrix with biotite.

Emerald Crystals in Matrix

Code: emem309_emerald-specimen
Emerald in Matrix Dimensions: 3.2" x 2.3" x 1.6"
Found in Bahia, Brazil
Price: $162.50
This natural mineral specimen has a couple of 1.5 inch long genuine emerald crystals in a gray translucent limestone matrix. There are more emeralds exposed on the opposite side.

Emerald in Matrix Decorator Mineral Specimen

Code: emem278_emerald-specimen
Natural emerald in limestsone matrix weighs 1.0 Lb
Emerald in Matrix Dimensions: 4" x 3.7" x 2"
Found in Bahia, Brazil
Price: $162.50
This natural mineral specimen has emerald crystals in a gray translucent limestone matrix. There are more emeralds exposed on the opposite side. This attractive decorator specimen stands up in the position shown. See also an opposite side view of this decorator mineral specimen of emeralds in matrix.

Emerald Crystal in Matrix

Code: emem315
This natural emerald in matrix weighs 1.6 Lbs
Emerald in matrix dimensions: 4.9" x 3.7" x 2.6"
Found in Northern Bahia, Brazil
Price: $218.50
The upper surface of this natural emerald in matrix specimen has a large emerald crystal in a matrix of translucent gray-green crystalline limestone. See also another view of this 100% natural emerald mineral specimen.

Emerald Crystals in Matrix Decorator Specimen

Code: emem317_emerald-specimen
Natural emerald in matrix specimen weighs 2.4 Lb
Emerald in Matrix Dimensions: 5" x 3.9" x 3.3"
Found in Bahia, Brazil
Price: $325.00
This natural decorator mineral specimen has raw emerald crystals in a gray crystalline limestone matrix. This unique emerald decorator specimen stands up in the position shown. See another view of this unique and 100% natural emerald crystals in matrix specimen.

Emeralds in Matrix

Code: emem300_emerald-mineral-specimen
This natural emerald in matrix specimen weighs 1.5 Lbs
Emerald in Matrix Dimensions: 4.6" x 3.4" x 2.3"
Found in Northern Bahia, Brazil
Price: $325.00
This natural emerald in matrix specimen has deep green emerald crystals in biotite matrix with some crystalline limestone.

Emeralds in Matrix

Code: emem301_emerald-mineral-specimen
This natural emerald in matrix specimen weighs 2.8 Lbs
Emerald in Matrix Dimensions: 4.4" x 3.9" x 3.6"
Found in Northern Bahia, Brazil
Price: $345.00
This natural emerald in matrix specimen has more than a dozen emerald crystals in crystalline limestone matrix. There also are some emerald crystals exposed on the opposite side as well. See an opposite side view of this beautiful decorator specimen of natural emerald in matrix.

Emeralds on Matrix

This unique item is sold.
Code: emem268-e
This natural emerald in matrix weighs 1.9 Lbs
Emerald in matrix dimensions: 5.7" x 3.5" x 2.5"
Found at Santa Teresina, Brazil
Price: $490.20
This natural mineral specimen has a matrix of gray crystalline limestone on black biotite schist with a cluster of intergrown emerald crystals up on top.

Emerald in Matrix Decorator Speccimen

Code: emem316_emerald-mineral-specimen
This natural emerald in matrix specimen weighs 2.1 Lbs
Emerald in Matrix Dimensions: 5.9" x 4" x 2.7"
Found in Northern Bahia, Brazil
Price: $385.00
This natural emerald in matrix decorator specimen has a large emerald crystal exposed in dark crystalline limestone matrix. See also another view of this 100% natural emerald in matrix decorator specimen.

Emerald in Matrix Mineral Specimen

Code: emem310
This natural emerald in matrix specimen weighs 1.6 Lbs
Emerald in Matrix Dimensions: 5.3" x 4" x 1.8"
Found in Bahia, Brazil
Price: $485.00
This natural mineral specimen has a 4 inch long genuine emerald crystal embedded in a gray translucent limestone matrix!

Emeralds in Matrix Decorator Specimen, 4.7 Pounds

Code: emem318_emerald-specimen
Natural emerald in matrix specimen weighs 4.7 Lbs
Emerald in Matrix Dimensions: 6" x 5" x 3.8"
Found in Bahia, Brazil
Price: $545.00
This natural decorator mineral specimen has more than a dozen raw emerald crystals in a gray crystalline limestone matrix. See another view of this 100% natural emerald in matrix decorator specimen.

Emerald in Matrix Decorator Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: emem271
This natural emerald in matrix weighs 5.4 Lbs
Emerald in matrix dimensions: 7.7" x 5" x 3.7"
Found in Northern Bahia, Brazil
Price: $1045.00
This natural mineral specimen has a matrix of gray crystalline limestone with some black biotite schist. There are dozens of natural emerald crystals including a large "curving" emerald crystal over 4 inches long! There are several emerald crystals exposed on the opposite side as well. See an opposite side view of this rare collector quality emerald in matrix decorator specimen.

Large Emerald in Matrix Decorator Specimen, 7.2 pounds

Code: emem319_emerald-specimen
Natural emerald in matrix specimen weighs 7.2 Lb
Emerald in Matrix Dimensions: 8 x 6.5" x 4"
Found in Bahia, Brazil
Price: $1265.00
This natural decorator mineral specimen has several large emerald crystals exposed on its upper surface in a gray crystalline limestone matrix. See another view of this unique and 100% natural large emerald in matrix decorator specimen.

Epidote Crystal Cluster

This unique item is sold.
Code: epim138
This genuine Epidote Crystal specimen measures 1.5" x 1.3" x 1.1"
Mined at Itamarandiba, Brazil
Price: $65.00
This natural mineral specimen is a cluster of dark green intergrown epidote crystals showing some terminations.

Epidote Crystals

This unique item is sold.
Code: epim137
This genuine Epidote Crystal specimen measures 2.6" x 1.4" x 0.5"
Mined at Itamarandiba, Brazil
Price: $34.50
This natural mineral specimen is a group of dark green intergrown epidote crystals. The largest epidote crystal measures 2.4 inches long.

Epidote Crystal Cluster

This unique item is sold.
Code: epim139
This genuine Epidote Crystal specimen measures 2.2" x 1.9" x 1.1"
Mined at Itamarandiba, Brazil
Price: $38.50
This natural mineral specimen is a cluster of dark green intergrown epidote crystals.

Epidote Crystals

This unique item is sold.
Code: epim140
This genuine Epidote Crystal specimen measures 2" x 1.8" x 0.8"
Mined at Itamarandiba, Brazil
Price: $78.00
This natural mineral specimen is a group of dark green intergrown epidote crystals.

Epidote Crystals on Matrix

Code: epim141
This genuine Epidote Crystal specimen measures 3" x 2.3" x 1.2"
Mined at Itamarandiba, Brazil
Price: $52.50
This natural mineral specimen is a cluster of dark green intergrown epidote crystals on a thin layer of matrix.

Epidote Crystals

This unique item is sold.
Code: epim143
This genuine Epidote Crystal specimen measures 2.7" x 1.3" x 1.1"
Mined at Itamarandiba, Brazil
Price: $87.00
This natural mineral specimen is a group of dark green intergrown epidote crystals. The largest of the epidote crystals measures 2.7 inches long.

Epidote Crystal Cluster

This unique item is sold.
Code: epim142
This genuine Epidote Crystal specimen measures 3.5" x 3.4" x 3.2"
Mined at Itamarandiba, Brazil
Price: $131.50
This natural mineral specimen is a cluster of dark green intergrown epidote crystals with some matrix.

Large Epidote Decorator Specimen

Code: epim144
Epidote crystals decorator specimen weighs 7.5 pounds!
This Epidote Crystal specimen measures 7.8" wide x 7.3" tall x 4" deep
Mined at Itamarandiba, Brazil
Price: $535.00
This amazing decorator specimen is a mass of natural dark green epidote crystals! This beautiful specimen stands up in the position shown. See also an opposite side view of this large epidote decorator mineral specimen .

Large Epidote Decorator Specimen

Code: epim145
Epidote decorator mineral specimen weighs 13.3 pounds
This Epidote Crystal Cluster measures 7.7" tall x 7" wide x 5.5" deep
Mined at Itamarandiba, Brazil
Price: $895.00
This beautiful decorator specimen is a mass of natural color dark green epidote crystals weighing 13.3 pounds! This natural mineral specimen stands up in the position shown. See also an opposite side view of this unique large epidote decorator mineral specimen .

Epidote Crystals in Quartz

Code: epim136
This genuine epidote crystal weighs 4.2 Lbs
Epidote crystal measures: 7.2" x 4.3" x 3.1"
(184mm x 110mm x 79mm)
Found at Itamarandiba, Brazil
Price: $231.25
This natural epidote in quartz crystal specimen has about 20 dark green epidote crystals passing through the semi-transparent to transparent quartz crystal. The longest of the epidote crystals measures 3.5 inches long inside the quartz! See also a full-view, and a back view. The quartz itself is a crystal section which is covered with re-crystalized etched surfaces.

50 pound Epidote in Quartz Decorator Specimen!

This item is in someone's ore cart, please check back.
Code: epim114
This natural Epidote in Quartz Crystal weighs 50.4 Lbs (22.8kg)
Epidote in Quartz Dimensions: 12" x 11.5" x 10.5"
(30cm x 29cm x 27cm)
Mined in Itamarandiba, Brazil
Price: $1815.00
This spectacular decorator specimen of epidote crystals on quartz has dozens of dark green epidote crystals both on the surface and passing through the beautiful semi-transparent to transparent quartz crystal. The largest of the epidote crystals measures 6 inches long. We have several different views available for this amazing specimen: front-view, left side view, right side view. See also another close-up view, and a back view. This is a truly spectacular decorator mineral specimen.

Purple Fluorite Crystals

Code: flum164
Natural color purple fluorite crystal cluster weighing 0.4 Lbs.
Flurorite Crystal Specimen Size: 3.4" x 2.2" x 1.4"
Mined at Musquiz, Mexico
Price: $36.50
This specimen is a cluster of naturally terminated fluorite crystals with natural dark purple color. They show cubic form with resinous to vitreous luster. The fluorite crystals are mostly opaque with some semi-transparent areas.

Purple Fluorite Crystal Cluster

Code: flum163
Natural color fluorite specimen weighs 0.3 Lbs.
Flurorite Crystal Cluster Size: 2.7" x 2" x 1.4"
Mined at Musquiz, Mexico
Price: $38.50
This specimen is a cluster of naturally terminated fluorite crystals with dark purple natural color. These semi-transparent fluorite crystals show cubic form with resinous to vitreous luster. See also a view of these natural color purple fluorite crystals held up to a light.

Purple Fluorite Crystal Specimen

Code: flum165
Natural color fluorite specimen weighs 0.3 Lbs.
Flurorite Crystal Cluster Size: 3.1" x 1.4" x 1.1"
Mined at Musquiz, Mexico
Price: $48.50
This specimen is intergrown naturally terminated fluorite crystals with very beautiful dark purple natural color. These semi-transparent fluorite crystals show cubic form with resinous to vitreous luster. See also a view of this natural color purple fluorite crystal specimen held up to a light.

Purple Fluorite Crystal Cluster

Code: flum166
Natural color fluorite specimen weighs 0.5 Lbs.
Flurorite Crystal Cluster Size: 3.3" x 2.4" x 1.9"
Mined at Musquiz, Mexico
Price: $54.50
This specimen is composed of intergrown naturally terminated fluorite crystals with dark purple natural color. These semi-transparent fluorite crystals show cubic form with resinous to vitreous luster.

Purple Fluorite Crystal Cluster

Code: flum167
Natural color fluorite specimen weighs 0.8 Lbs.
Flurorite Crystal Cluster Size: 4.3" x 2.4" x 2.1"
Mined at Musquiz, Mexico
Price: $74.50
This upper surface of this natural fluorite mineral specimen has more than 100 naturally terminated fluorite crystals with dark purple natural color. These semi-transparent fluorite crystals show cubic form with resinous to vitreous luster. See a full view of these natural color purple fluorite crystals . See also a view from the opposite side of these purple fluorite crystals .

Purple Fluorite Crystal Specimen

Code: flum168
Natural color fluorite specimen weighs 0.9 Lbs.
Flurorite Crystal Cluster Size: 3.9" x 3" x 2.1"
Mined at Musquiz, Mexico
Price: $92.50
This naturally terminated fluorite mineral specimen has dark purple natural color. The semi-transparent fluorite crystals show cubic form with resinous to vitreous luster. See also another view of this purple fluorite mineral specimen.

Cubic Purple Fluorite Mineral Specimen

Code: flum169
Natural color fluorite specimen weighs 1.4 Lbs.
Flurorite Crystal Cluster Size: 4" x 3.5" x 3"
Mined at Musquiz, Mexico
Price: $164.50
This natural fluorite mineral specimen has dark purple natural color. It is composed of large intergrown semi-transparent fluorite crystals. The purple fluorite crystals are naturally terminated and show cubic form with resinous to vitreous luster. See also a full view of this cubic purple fluorite mineral specimen.

Fluorite Crystals on Matrix

Code: flum171
Fluorite on matrix specimen weighing 0.7 Lbs.
Fluorite Mineral Specimen Dimensions: 3.2" x 3" x 1.7"
Mined at Miandravazo, Madagascar
Price: $44.50
This natural matrix mineral specimen has natural color green naturally terminated cubic fluorite crystals on both its front and back surfaces.

Fluorite Crystals on Matrix

Code: flum172
Fluorite on matrix specimen weighing 0.9 Lbs.
Fluorite Mineral Specimen Dimensions: 3.8" x 2.8" x 2.1"
Mined at Miandravazo, Madagascar
Price: $52.50
This natural color fluorite mineral specimen has more than 100 naturally terminated cubic green fluorite crystals exposed on its surfaces!

Fluorite Crystals on Matrix

Code: flum153
Fluorite on matrix specimen weighing 1.1 Lbs.
Fluorite Decorator Mineral Specimen Dimensions: 6" x 2.5" x 2.5"
Mined at Miandravazo, Madagascar
Price: $52.50
This natural matrix mineral specimen has natural color green naturally terminated cubic fluorite crystals on its upper surface.

Fluorite Crystals on Matrix

Code: flum154
Fluorite on matrix specimen weighing 1.3 Lbs.
Fluorite Decorator Mineral Specimen Dimensions: 4" x 3.4" x 2.2"
Mined at Miandravazo, Madagascar
Price: $88.50
This natural matrix mineral specimen has natural color green naturally terminated cubic fluorite crystals on its upper surface.

Decorator Specimen of Fluorite Crystals on Matrix

Code: flum158
Fluorite on matrix specimen weighing 1.5 Lbs.
Fluorite Decorator Mineral Specimen Dimensions: 4.5" x 3.3" x 2.1"
Mined at Miandravazo, Madagascar
Price: $112.50
This raw natural mineral specimen has had the extra matrix sawn away on the bottom and back side. The front surface is covered with natural color green cubic fluorite crystals.

Decorator Specimen of Fluorite Crystals on Matrix

Code: flum146
Fluorite on matrix specimen weighs 4.9 Lbs.
Fluorite Decorator Mineral Specimen Dimensions: 7" x 5" x 3"
Mined at Miandravazo, Madagascar
Price: $224.95
This natural decorative mineral specimen has natural color raw green cubic fluorite crystals on its upper surface. The matrix itself is mostly intergrown fluorite crystals! See also an opposite side view of this decorative fluorite mineral specimen.

Green Fluorite Crystals on Matrix

Code: flum170
Fluorite on matrix specimen weighing 5.3 Lbs.
Fluorite Decorator Mineral Specimen Dimensions: 6.7" x 4.5" x 4.5"
Mined at Miandravazo, Madagascar
Price: $254.25
This naturally terminated flourite decorator mineral specimen has natural color green cubic fluorite crystals on its upper surface. See also a full view of this beautiful decorator specimen of green fluorite crystals on matrix. See also an opposite side full view of this natural color specimen of green fluorite crystals on matrix.

Green Fluorite Decorator Mineral Specimen

Code: flum174
Fluorite on matrix specimen weighing 6.1 Lbs.
Fluorite Decorator Mineral Specimen Dimensions: 6.5" x 5" x 3.8"
Mined at Miandravazo, Madagascar
Price: $318.95
This naturally terminated flourite decorator mineral specimen has a few dozen intergrown natural color green cubic fluorite crystals. See also a full view of this unique green fluorite decorator specimen. See also an additional full view of this beautiful fluorite decorator specimen.

Green Fluorite Crystals Decorator Mineral Specimen

Code: flum173
Fluorite on matrix specimen weighing 5.3 Lbs.
Fluorite Decorator Mineral Specimen Dimensions: 6.7" x 4.3" x 4.2"
Mined at Miandravazo, Madagascar
Price: $331.25
This naturally terminated flourite decorator mineral specimen has natural color green cubic fluorite crystals on its front, back and sides. See also a full view of this wonderful decorator specimen of green fluorite crystals decorator specimen. See also an opposite side full view of this unique green fluorite crystals decorator specimen

Large Decorator Specimen of Fluorite Crystals on Matrix

Code: flum145
Fluorite on matrix specimen weighing 27.1 Lbs.
Fluorite Decorator Mineral Specimen Dimensions: 9" x 9" x 9"
Mined at Miandravazo, Madagascar
Price: $1025.00
This natural matrix mineral specimen has natural color green cubic fluorite crystals covering most of the upper surfaces of this matrix specimen. The largest of these natural fluorite crystals measures 2 inches across! This fluorite specimen makes a visually stunning decorator mineral specimen! See a right side view of these fluorite crystals on matrix. See also a left side view of this beautiful decorator specimen of fluorite crystals on matrix. See also an opposite side view of these fluorite crystals on matrix. See an additional view of this beautiful decorative specimen of fluorite crystals on matrix.

Green Fluorite Cubic Crystals on Matrix

Code: flum139
Fluorite on matrix specimen weighing 2.2 Lbs.
Fluorite Mineral Specimen Size: 5.2" x 4.4" x 2.7"
Mined in China
Price: $122.50
This matrix specimen has natural color light green fluorite crystals with cubic form and vitrous luster on its upper surface. The fluorite crystals have very good transparency.

Large Decorator Specimen of Fluorite Crystals on Matrix

Code: flum143
Fluorite Crystals on matrix specimen weighing 41.9 Lbs.
Fluorite Decorator Mineral Specimen Dimensions: 13" x 10" x 8"
Mined in Madagascar
Price: $1245.00
This natural matrix mineral specimen has natural color green cubic fluorite crystals covering the upper surface of thick matrix. The largest of these natural fluorite crystals measures over 2 inches across! This fluorite specimen makes a wonderful decorator mineral specimen! See also an opposite side view of these fluorite crystals on matrix.

Natural Green Fuchsite Mica Pieces

Code: fucm141x
Available in several approximate sizes (please see below)
Mined in Brazil
These beautiful pieces of natural color green fuchsite mica were mined in Brazil. They are completely natural with shiny brilliance and bright silvery-green color. They are completely natural and have not been heated or treated in any way. These natural fuchsite mica specimens are rich in chromium which gives them their beautiful green color. We have these natural color green mica specimens available in small to medium sizes that are ideal for metaphysical uses - fuchsite is said to greatly enhance the body's ability to heal itself! These natural fuchsite specimens also are perfect as inexpensive mineral specimens of natural chromium rich muscovite (known to mineralogists as the muscovite variety: fuchsite). We have several different sizes of these natural fuchsite mica pieces available. Please see below to order.
Green Fuchsite Mica Pieces, 2 inches

Code: fucm141b
Price: $4.50 each

Green Fuchsite Mica Pieces, 3 inches

Code: fucm141c
Price: $8.95 each

Natural Fuchsite Mica Specimen

Code: fucm184_fuchsite-mica
Fuchsite Specimen Dimensions: 4.2" x 2.8" x 1.3"
This natural fuchsite mineral specimen was mined in Brazil
Price: $14.95
This brilliant specimen of raw natural chromium-rich green muscovite mica (variety: Fuchsite) was mined in Brazil. It is a completely natural fuchsite mineral specimen - it has not been heated or treated in any way.

Natural Fuchsite Mica Specimen

Code: fucm185_fuchsite-mica
Fuchsite mica rough specimen weighing 1.1 Lbs
Fuchsite Specimen Dimensions: 5.2" x 4.1" x 1.6"
This natural fuchsite mineral specimen was mined in Brazil
Price: $24.95
This brilliant specimen of natural chromium-rich muscovite mica (variety: Fuchsite) was mined in Brazil. It is a completely natural green fuchsite mica mineral specimen - it has not been heated or treated in any way. This specimen shows well defined thin inter-bedded layers of green fuchsite mica and aventurine quartz.

Natural Fuchsite Mica Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: fucm186_fuchsite-mica
Fuchsite mica rough specimen weighing 1.1 Lbs
Fuchsite Specimen Dimensions: 6" x 3.7" x 2"
This natural fuchsite mineral specimen was mined in Brazil
Price: $26.95
This brilliant specimen of natural chromium-rich muscovite mica (variety: Fuchsite) was mined in Brazil. It is a completely natural green fuchsite mica mineral specimen - it has not been heated or treated in any way. This specimen shows well defined micro-folding of thin inter-bedded layers of green fuchsite mica and aventurine quartz.

Natural Fuchsite Mica Mineral Specimen

Code: fucm187_fuchsite-mica
Fuchsite mica rough specimen weighing 1.5 Lbs
Fuchsite Specimen Dimensions: 5.8" x 4.5" x 1.7"
This natural fuchsite mineral specimen was mined in Brazil
Price: $36.95
This brilliant specimen of natural chromium-rich muscovite mica (variety: Fuchsite) was mined in Brazil. It is a completely natural raw green fuchsite mica mineral specimen - it has not been heated or treated in any way. This specimen shows well defined thin inter-bedded layers of green fuchsite mica and aventurine quartz.

Natural Fuchsite Mica Mineral Specimen

Code: fucm188_fuchsite-mica
Fuchsite mica rough specimen weighing 1.5 Lbs
Fuchsite Specimen Dimensions: 5.9" x 5.6" x 1.2"
This natural fuchsite mineral specimen was mined in Brazil
Price: $41.95
This brilliant specimen of natural chromium-rich muscovite mica (variety: Fuchsite) was mined in Brazil. It is a completely natural green fuchsite mica mineral specimen - it has not been heated or treated in any way. This specimen shows well defined micro-folding of thin inter-bedded layers of green fuchsite mica and aventurine quartz.

Natural Fuchsite Specimen

Code: fucm189_fuchsite-mica
Fuchsite mica rough specimen weighing 2.2 Lbs
Fuchsite Specimen Dimensions: 7" x 3.7" x 2.2"
This natural fuchsite mineral specimen was mined in Brazil
Price: $58.95
This brilliant specimen of natural chromium-rich muscovite mica (variety: Fuchsite) was mined in Brazil. It is a completely natural raw green fuchsite mica mineral specimen - it has not been heated or treated in any way.

Natural Fuchsite Decorator Specimen

Code: fucm190_fuchsite-mica
Fuchsite mica rough specimen weighing 3.5 Lbs
Fuchsite Specimen Dimensions: 10.9" x 5.4" x 1.6"
This natural fuchsite mineral specimen was mined in Brazil
Price: $94.50
This brilliant decorator specimen of natural chromium-rich muscovite mica (variety: Fuchsite) was mined in Brazil. It is a completely natural green fuchsite mica decorator mineral specimen - it has not been heated or treated in any way!

Natural Fuchsite Mica Decorator Specimen

Code: fucm191_fuchsite-mica
Fuchsite mica rough specimen weighing 4.3 Lbs
Fuchsite Specimen Dimensions: 10.4" x 6.7" x 1.9"
This natural fuchsite mineral specimen was mined in Brazil
Price: $112.50
This brilliant decorator specimen of natural chromium-rich muscovite mica (variety: Fuchsite) was mined in Brazil. It is a completely natural green fuchsite mica decorator mineral specimen - it has not been heated or treated in any way.

Fuchsite Mica Decorator Specimen

Code: fucm183_fuchsite-mica
Natural color fuchsite decorator specimen weighing 12.5 pounds
Fuchsite Specimen Dimensions: 12" x 9.5" x 3.3"
This natural fuchsite mineral specimen was mined in Brazil
Price: $198.25
This superior quality fuchsite mica decorator specimen has natural chromium-rich muscovite mica (variety: Fuchsite) inter-bedded with green aventurine quartz. This completely natural fuchsite decorator mineral specimen has not been treated in any way.

Fuchsite Decorator Specimen

Code: fucm178_fuchsite-mica
Natural color fuchsite decorator specimen weighing 18.3 pounds
Fuchsite Specimen Dimensions: 12.5" x 9.5" x 5.5"
This natural fuchsite mineral specimen was mined in Brazil
Price: $245.00
This wonderful decorator mineral specimen has bright silvery mica on the backside and brilliant green mica on the front side! See a back view photo of this large fuchsite decorator mineral specimen. This is a natural decorator mineral specimen of chromium-rich muscovite mica (variety: Fuchsite). This completely natural fuchsite decorator specimen has not been treated in any way.

Large Fuchsite Decorator Specimen

Code: fucm179_fuchsite-mica
Natural color fuchsite decorator specimen weighing 38.4 pounds
Fuchsite Specimen Dimensions: 15.5" x 12.5" x 5"
This natural fuchsite mineral specimen was mined in Brazil
Price: $461.25
This brilliant green decorator specimen of natural chromium-rich muscovite mica (variety: Fuchsite) has inter-bedded green aventurine quartz. See also a back view photo of this large fuchsite decorator mineral specimen. This is a natural decorator mineral specimen of chromium-rich muscovite mica (variety: Fuchsite). This completely natural fuchsite decorator specimen has not been treated in any way.

Almandine Garnet Crystal

Code: almm206
Natural color purplish-red garnet crystal weighing 340 carats
Garnet Crystal Dimensions: 1.5" x 1.3" x 1.1"
Mined at Piaui, Brazil
Price: $22.95
This naturally etched dark reddish-purple almandine garnet crystal (also known as almandite) has rounded dodecahedral form that was considerably modified due to its formation within a biotite mica schist host rock. It is translucent to semi-transparent. Almandine garnets are the pure iron ideal end-member (Fe3Al2(SiO4)3) of the pyralspite garnet group.

Almandine Garnet Crystal

Code: almm207
Natural color purplish-red garnet crystal weighing 531 carats
Garnet Crystal Dimensions: 1.6" x 1.5" x 1.3"
Mined at Piaui, Brazil
Price: $26.95
This naturally etched dark reddish-purple almandine garnet crystal (also known as almandite) has rounded dodecahedral form that was considerably modified due to its formation within a biotite mica schist host rock. It is translucent to semi-transparent. Almandine garnets are the pure iron ideal end-member (Fe3Al2(SiO4)3) of the pyralspite garnet group.

Almandine Garnet Crystal

Code: almm208
Natural color purplish-red garnet crystal weighing 634 carats
Garnet Crystal Dimensions: 1.7" x 1.5" x 1.5"
Mined at Piaui, Brazil
Price: $31.50
This naturally etched dark reddish-purple almandine garnet crystal (also known as almandite) has rounded dodecahedral form that was considerably modified due to its formation within a biotite mica schist host rock. It is translucent to semi-transparent. Almandine garnets are the pure iron ideal end-member (Fe3Al2(SiO4)3) of the pyralspite garnet group.

Almandine Garnet Crystal

This unique item is sold.
Code: almm209
Natural color purplish-red garnet crystal weighing 911.5 carats
Garnet Crystal Dimensions: 1.9" x 1.8" x 1.6"
Mined at Piaui, Brazil
Price: $38.95
This naturally etched dark reddish-purple almandine garnet crystal (also known as almandite) has rounded dodecahedral form that was considerably modified due to its formation within a biotite mica schist host rock. It is translucent to semi-transparent. Almandine garnets are the pure iron ideal end-member (Fe3Al2(SiO4)3) of the pyralspite garnet group.

Large Almandine Garnet Crystal

Code: almm210
Natural color purplish-red garnet crystal weighing 4200 carats!
Garnet Crystal Dimensions: 3.4" x 3" x 2.7"
Mined at Piaui, Brazil
Price: $212.50
This rare size naturally etched dark reddish-purple almandine garnet crystal weighs 1.85 pounds and has rounded dodecahedral form that was considerably modified due to its formation within a biotite mica schist host rock. It is translucent to semi-transparent. See also an opposite side view of this large almandine garnet crystal.

Almandine Garnet in Biotite Schist Matrix

Code: almm195
Natural red garnet in matrix specimen weighing 1.2 lbs
Garnet Crystal Dimensions: 4.2" x 2.7" x 2.1"
Mined at Itabira, Brazil
Price: $51.50
This natural mineral specimen has biotite schist matrix with a very large reddish-purple almandine garnet (also known as almandite garnet). See also an opposite side view of this natural decorator specimen of garnet in biotite schist matrix.

Almandine Garnet in Biotite-Sillimanite Schist Matrix

Code: almm202
Natural garnet in matrix specimen weighing 2.1 lbs
Size: 6.2" x 5.4" x 1.8"
Mined at Itabira, Brazil
Price: $81.50
This natural mineral specimen has sillimanite-biotite schist matrix with large reddish-purple almandine garnets (also known as almandite). The matrix consists mostly of black biotite with occasional long radiating formations of blade-like chatoyant sillimanite. There is a 1.5 inch garnet exposed on the opposite side as well. See also an opposite side view of this unique garnet in matrix mineral specimen.

Almandine Garnets in Biotite-Sillimanite Schist

Code: almm152
Natural garnet in matrix specimen weighing 4.0 lbs
Size: 5.6" x 4.7" x 3.5"
(142 x 119 x 90mm)
Mined at Itabira, Brazil
Price: $114.50
This decorator specimen of raw sillimanite-biotite schist matrix has reddish-purple almandine garnet (also known as almandite) with a small amount of blue iolite as well. The matrix consists predominantly of chatoyant sillimanite with long blade-like form.

Almandine Garnet Crystals

Code: almm198
Natural garnet crystal specimen weighs 618.5 carats
Garnet Specimen Dimensions: 1.7" x 1.6" x 1.3"
Mined at Itabira, Brazil
Price: $46.95
This natural mineral specimen is three intergrown reddish-purple almandine garnet crystals (also known as almandite). There is a small amount of biotite schist matrix attached. These naturally terminated dark reddish-purple almandine garnet crystals have rounded dodecahedral form that was slightly modified due to their formation within a biotite mica schist host rock.

Almandine Garnet Crystal Specimen

Code: almm191
Natural garnet crystal weighs 491.5 carats
Garnet Crystal Dimensions: 1.8" x 1.4" x 1.2"
Mined at Itabira, Brazil
Price: $26.95
This natural mineral specimen is a raw reddish-purple almandine garnet crystal (also known as almandite). There is a small amount of biotite schist matrix attached. This naturally terminated dark reddish-purple almandine garnet crystal is slightly abraded and has rounded dodecahedral form that was considerably modified due to its formation within a sillimanite-biotite mica schist host rock.

Almandine Garnet Crystal Specimen

Code: almm192
Natural garnet crystal weighs 999 carats!
Garnet Crystal Dimensions: 2.1" x 1.8" x 1.6"
Mined at Itabira, Brazil
Price: $54.50
This natural mineral specimen is a reddish-purple almandine garnet crystal (also known as almandite). There is a small amount of biotite schist matrix attached on the bottom. This naturally terminated dark reddish-purple almandine garnet crystal has rounded dodecahedral form that was slightly modified due to its formation within a sillimanite-biotite mica schist host rock. See also a bottom side view of this natural almandine garnet crystal.

Large Almandine Garnet Crystal

Code: almm193
Natural color purplish-red garnet crystal weighing 1311 carats
Garnet Crystal Dimensions: 2.3" x 2" x 1.9"
Mined at Itabira, Brazil
Price: $82.50
This natural dark reddish-purple almandine garnet crystal (also known as almandite) has rounded dodecahedral form that was slightly modified due to its formation within a biotite mica schist host rock. It is translucent to semi-transparent with small gem-grade areas. There is a small amount of biotite schist attached on some surfaces, and there is a smaller garnet crystal intergrown on one side. See also an additional view of this large almandine garnet crystal.

Almandine Garnet Mineral Specimen

Code: almm190
Natural garnet specimen weighing 0.4 lbs
Size: 2.3" x 1.75" x 1.2"
Mined at Itabira, Brazil
Price: $31.95
This natural mineral specimen is a reddish-purple almandine garnet crystal (also known as almandite) with mostly broken surfaces. There is a small amount of biotite schist matrix attached.

Almandine Garnet in Matrix

Code: almm204
Natural garnet in matrix specimen weighing 4.0 lbs
Size: 7.5" x 4" x 3"
Mined at Itabira, Brazil
Price: $112.50
This natural decorator mineral specimen has almandine garnet in a matrix of sillimanite and biotite with a small amount of iolite.

Almandine Garnet with Biotite, Iolite and Sillimanite

Code: almm203
Natural garnet in matrix specimen weighing 4.2 lbs
Size: 9.5" x 4.6" x 1.8"
Mined at Itabira, Brazil
Price: $116.50
This natural mineral specimen has almandine garnets in sillimanite-biotite schist matrix with iolite. There are garnets exposed on the opposite side as well. See also an opposite side view of this unique garnet in matrix mineral specimen.

Large Garnet in Matrix Decorator Specimen

Code: almm205
Natural garnet in biotite-silllimanite schist matrix weighing 15.0 Lbs
Garnet in Matrix Dimensions: 10.7" x 6" x 5.5"
Mined at Itabira, Brazil
Price: $375.00
This large decorator mineral specimen has a matrix composed of black biotite mica intergrown with long radiating formations of blade-like chatoyant sillimanite. There are large reddish-purple almandine garnets (also known as almandite) exposed on its surfaces. The garnets are fractured and they are translucent to semi-transparent with deep red-purple natural color. See an opposite side view of this unique garnet in matrix decorator specimen.

Large Garnet in Matrix Decorator Specimen

Code: almm201
Natural garnet in biotite-silllimanite schist matrix weighing 23.1 Lbs
Garnet in Matrix Dimensions: : 11.3" x 7" x 6.5"
Mined at Itabira, Brazil
Price: $575.00
This large size decorator mineral specimen has a matrix composed of black biotite mica intergrown with long radiating formations of blade-like chatoyant sillimanite. There are over 80 large reddish-purple almandine garnets (also known as almandite) exposed on its surfaces! The garnets are fractured and they are translucent to semi-transparent. See a full view photo of this unique garnet in matrix decorator specimen. See also a back-view photo of this large garnet in matrix decorator mineral specimen.

43.9 pound Garnet in Biotite-Sillimanite Matrix Decorator Specimen

Code: almm155_garnet-mineral-specimen
Natural garnet in matrix mineral specimen weighing 43.9 lbs!
This almandine garnet mineral specimen measures 14" x 11" x 6"
Mined near Itabira, Brazil
Price: $785.00
This large size decorator mineral specimen has a matrix composed of black biotite mica intergrown with long blade-like chatoyant sillimanite. There are several large reddish-purple almandine garnets (also known as almandite) exposed on its surfaces, each garnet measures from 2 inches to 3 inches across! The garnets are fractured and they are translucent to semi-transparent. There is about 30% chatoyant sillimanite intergrown with the biotite mica matrix, and there also is a small amount of blue iolite as well. See a full-view photo of this beautiful garnet in matrix decorator specimen. See also a back-view photo of this large garnet in matrix decorator mineral specimen.

Andradite Garnet Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: andm108
2.3" x 2" x 1"
(6cm x 5.1cm x 2.6cm)
Sineretchenskiy Mine, Russia
Price: $28.50
This entire specimen is pure andradite garnet, with terminated crystals formed on top of a massive granular matrix. The andradite crystals range in size up to 0.75" in diameter. They show a combination of both dodecahedral and trapezohedral forms, with the smaller trapezohedral faces beveling the edges of the larger rhombic dodecahedral faces. The luster is slightly resinous, and the color is a dark greenish-brown. This specimen was discovered at the Sineretchenskiy Mine near Kavalerovo, Russia.

Raspberry Grossular Garnets in Matrix

This unique item is sold.
Code: grom128
0.85 Lbs
5.2" x 2.9" x 2.1"
(131mm x 74mm x 54mm)
Sierra de Las Cruces, Mexico
Price: $94.50
Grossular garnets up to 0.5 inches (13mm) in diameter occur on the surface of this specimen. They show dodecahedral form and they have a pink-violet "raspberry" color with slightly resinous to vitreous luster. This specimen was discovered at Sierra de Las Cruces, Mexico. The photo at left was taken under incandescent light. See also a full-view photo.

Large Mali Garnet Crystal (grossular garnet)

Code: grom120
0.43 pounds (192.6 grams)
1.8" x 1.7" (4.8 x 4.5 centimeters )
Mali, West Africa
Price: $212.00
This large multi faced Yellowish-brownish Green garnet crystal has a pot marked dark yellow-brown skin. The morphology and faces are very interesting. The photo shows one of the two (2) contact negatives that allow you to peer into the tranluscent to transparent green interior. This Mali garnet crystal is a grossularite/andradite mix. It was mined in Mali, Africa. The semi-transparent and transparent areas with good color could make great carving and cabbing material, posibly some facet areas. This very large crystal makes a great specimen of " Mali Garnet" just as it is.

Hessonite Garnet Crystals on Matrix

This unique item is sold.
Code: hesm103
0.66Lbs (299 grams)
4.3" x 3.0" x 1.3"
(11cm x 7.5cm x 3.3 cm)
Riverside County, California, U.S.A
Price: $26.50
This natural matrix specimen has numerous hessonite garnet crystals partially exposed on its front surface. Several of these crystals have individual terminations measuring from 0.5 to 0.7 inches long! These hessonite crystals have resinous luster and very dark orange-brown color. They are highly fractured and are semi-transparent to transparent. This specimen stands up naturally in the position shown.

Spessartite Garnet (naturally etched crystal)

Code: spem201
Natural spessartite garnet crystal weighing 77.7 carats
Spessartite Garnet Specimen Dimensions: 1.2" x 0.9" x 0.6"
(31mm x 23mm x 16mm)
Found in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $124.32
This natural spessartite garnet crystal has some broken ares with about 80% naturally etched surfaces. The color is a fine deep orange-red. It is semi-transparent to transparent with small gem-grade areas inside. This spessartite garnet specimen was discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The photo at left shows light reflecting off some of the natural etchings. See also a photo of this naturally etched red spessartite crystal specimen held near a light.

Red Spessartite Garnet Specimen

Code: spem200
Natural spessartite garnet crystal weighing 94.6 carats
Spessartite Garnet Specimen Dimensions: 1.1" x 0.8" x 0.7"
(29mm x 20mm x 18mm)
Found in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $151.36
This natural spessartite garnet specimen has mostly broken surfaces with some naturally etched surface areas. The color is a deep red. It is semi-transparent to transparent with small gem-grade areas. This spessartite garnet specimen was discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The photo at left shows light reflecting off some of the natural etchings. See also a photo of this naturally red spessartite rough specimen held near a light to show the color and transparency.

Orange-Red Spessartite Garnet Etched Crystal

Code: spem203
Natural spessartite garnet crystal weighing 304.1 carats
Spessartite Garnet Crystal Dimensions: 1.7" x 1.5" x 1.3"
(44mm x 37mm x 33mm)
Found in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $1012.30
This natural spessartite garnet crystal has naturally etched surfaces onmore than 90% of its surface areas. These naturally etched terminations are in very good overall condition with some abraded areas. The color is a fine deep orange red. It is semi-transparent to transparent with some large gem-grade areas inside. This spessartite garnet gem-grade crystal was discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The photo at left shows light reflecting off the natural etchings. There is a small amount of quartz on some surfaces as shown. See another view of this gem grade etched spessartite garnet crystal. See also a side view of this fine collector quality naturally etched spessartite garnet crystal.

Red Spessartite Etched Crystal, 422.75 carats!

Code: spem205
Natural spessartite garnet crystal weighing 422.75 carats
Spessartite Garnet Crystal Dimensions: 2" x 1.6" x 1"
(51mm x 41mm x 25mm)
Found in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $1568.25
This cine quality natural spessartite garnet crystal has naturally etched surfaces on more than 95% of its surface areas. These naturally etched terminations are in very good overall condition with some minor abrasions. The color is a deep red. It is semi-transparent to transparent with some large gem-grade areas inside. This spessartite garnet gem-grade crystal was discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The photo at left shows light reflecting off the natural etchings. There is a small amount of quartz on some surfaces. See another view of this naturally etched red spessartite garnet crystal. See also an opposite side view of this fine collector quality naturally etched spessartite garnet crystal.

2.5 inch Smoky Quartz Crystal with Spessartites

This unique item is sold.
Code: spem202
Smoky Quartz Crystal Measurements: 2.5" x 0.8" x 0.7"
Fujian Province, China
Price: $72.50
The lower part of this naturally terminated smoky quartz crystal specimen is encrusted with orange spessartite garnet crystals. Most of the spessartite garnet crystals are transparent, and they have good brilliance with terminations in excellent condition. The quartz crystal is semi-transparent to transparent with dull to vitreous luster and terminations in very good condition.

Orange Spessartite Garnet Crystal, 314.6 grams

Code: spem189
Natural color orange spessartite garnet crystal weighing 314.6 grams (1573 carats!)
Spessartite Garnet Crystal Dimensions: 2.8" x 2.5" x 1.7"
(70mm x 63mm x 43mm)
Mined at Loliondo, Tanzania (near Kenya border)
Price: $1258.40
The upper surfaces of this orange spessartite garnet crystal are in very good overall condition. This natural spessartite garnet specimen has very rich orange color with gem-grade areas inside. See another view of this naturally terminated mandarin spessartite garnet crystal. This rare spessartite garnet specimen was attached to matrix on its bottom surface. It was discovered near the town of Loliondo, Tanzania close to the Serengeti National Park. See also another full-view photo.

Loliondo Spessartite Garnet (aka Spessartine)

Code: spem165
10.8grams ( 54.1 carats)
19.8mm x 19.3mm x 13.9mm
Loliondo, Tanzania (near Kenya border)
Price: $595.00
This rare spessartite garnet crystal is complete with all faces and terminations. Most surfaces are in fairly good condition. A few faces were not completely formed and a couple are very slightly abraded. This natural color spessartite garnet crystal is a beautiful mandarin orange color, and it is mostly translucent with many small gem-grade transparent areas. This rare spessartite garnet specimen was discovered near the town of Loliondo, Tanzania close to the Serengeti National Park. The photo at left is a close-up photo of this natural spessartite garnet specimen as shown in a combination of light including being slightly back-lit see also a full-view photo. see also another full-view photo.

2.4 pound Mandarin Spessartite Garnet Crystal

Code: spem191
1110 grams ( 2.4 Lbs! )
4" x 3.2" x 3.1"
(102mm x 82mm x 78mm)
mined near Loliondo, Tanzania (near Kenya border)
Price: $2775.00
This huge mandarin orange spessartite garnet crystal is naturally terminated on all surfaces with most surfaces in very good condition and a few abraded areas. This spessartite garnet specimen has mandarin orange color with some dark brown manganese oxide surface coatings, and it is semi-transparent with some tiny gem-grade areas. There is a small amount of pink-red alurgite mica on the bottom side (see a close-up photo). This rare spessartite garnet specimen was discovered near the town of Loliondo, Tanzania close to the Serengeti National Park. See also another full-view photo.

Loliondo Spessartite Garnet Crystals on Matrix

Code: spem166
142.8 grams ( 714 carats)
50mm x 44mm x 42mm
Loliondo, Tanzania (near Kenya border)
Price: $2848.00
This compound spessartite garnet crystal grouping sits on a small pad of natural mica matrix. It is complete with multiple faces and terminations of various sizes, mostly in fairly good condition. These crystals are a beautiful mandarin orange natural color and are translucent to transparent with many small gem-grade areas. The largest of these natural crystals measures approximately 34mm x 32mm. This rare spessartite garnet specimen was discovered near Loliondo Tanzania close to the Serengeti National Park. The photo at left of this natural spessartite garnet specimen is shown in a combination of lighting including being slightly back-lit. see also another full-view photo. see also another full-view photo.

Nigerian Spessartite Garnet Facet Grade Specimen

Code: spem168
51.7grams ( 258.5carats)
38mm x 31mm x 22mm
Price: $1137.40
This natural specimen of lapidary grade Nigerian spessartite garnet is a partially terminated crystal. It would provide a very nice good sized gem from its center, and also some nice smaller stones from around the edges. The color is a slightly reddish-brownish orange. It does have some unusual natural crystal faces on one side, but it also is suitable for cutting gemstones. The photo at left of this natural spessartite garnet is shown in a combination of lighting including being slightly back-lit. see also a full-view photo. see also another full-view photo.

Tsavorite Garnet Specimen with Tanzanite

Code: tsvm143
Natural tsavorite specimen weighing 25.2 carats
Tsavorite Garnet Specimen Dimensions: 0.95" x 0.7" x 0.5"
Mined in the Taita Hills of Kenya
Price: $21.50
This natural specimen of green tsavorite grossular garnet was mined near the famous "Scorpion Mine" in the Taita Hills of Kenya. The tsavorite garnet is translucent to semi-transparent with rich green natural color. The tsavorite formed with pale blue-gray opaque tanzanite surrounding matrix.

Tsavorite Garnet Specimen with Tanzanite

Code: tsvm146
Natural tsavorite specimen weighing 64.3 carats
Tsavorite Garnet Specimen Dimensions: 1.1" x 0.95" x 0.6"
Mined in the Taita Hills of Kenya
Price: $31.50
This natural specimen of green tsavorite grossular garnet was mined near the famous "Scorpion Mine" in the Taita Hills of Kenya. The tsavorite garnet is translucent to semi-transparent with rich green natural color. The tsavorite formed within pale blue-gray opaque tanzanite matrix.

Tsavorite Garnet Specimen in Tanzanite

Code: tsvm145
Natural tsavorite specimen weighing 82.2 carats
Tsavorite Garnet Specimen Dimensions: 1.4" x 0.95" x 0.5"
Mined in the Taita Hills of Kenya
Price: $42.50
This natural specimen of green tsavorite grossular garnet was mined near the famous "Scorpion Mine" in the Taita Hills of Kenya. The tsavorite garnet is translucent to semi-transparent with natural green color. The tsavorite formed within pale blue-gray opaque tanzanite. See also an opposite side view of this natural mineral specimen of tsavorite green garnet in tanzanite.

Tsavorite Green Garnet Rough Specimen

Code: tsvm144
Natural tsavorite garnet rough weighing 27.1 carats
Tsavorite Garnet Specimen Dimensions: 0.95" x 0.6" x 0.4"
Mined in the Taita Hills of Kenya
Price: $81.50
This natural specimen of green tsavorite grossular garnet was mined near the famous "Scorpion Mine" in the Taita Hills of Kenya. The tsavorite garnet is semi-transparent with tiny gem-grade areas!

Tsavorite Garnet Specimen in Tanzanite Matrix

Code: tsvm147
Natural tsavorite specimen weighing 163.3 carats
Tsavorite Garnet Specimen Dimensions: 2.5" x 1.2" x 0.7"
Mined in the Taita Hills of Kenya
Price: $118.50
This natural specimen of green tsavorite grossular garnet was mined near the famous "Scorpion Mine" in the Taita Hills of Kenya. The tsavorite garnet is semi-transparent with natural green color. The tsavorite formed within pale blue-gray opaque tanzanite matrix.

Tsavorite Garnet Mineral Specimen

Code: tsvm149
Natural tsavorite specimen weighing 268.4 carats
Tsavorite Garnet Specimen Dimensions: 1.8" x 1.6" x 1"
Mined in the Taita Hills of Kenya
Price: $142.50
This natural specimen of green tsavorite grossular garnet was mined near the famous "Scorpion Mine" in the Taita Hills of Kenya. The tsavorite garnet is exposed on the upper surface and is semi-transparent with natural rich green color and some tiny gem-grade areas. The tsavorite formed within pale blue-gray opaque tanzanite.

Tsavorite Garnet Specimen in Tanzanite

Code: tsvm148
Natural tsavorite specimen weighing 222 carats
Tsavorite Garnet Specimen Dimensions: 1.6" x 1.1" x 1"
Mined in the Taita Hills of Kenya
Price: $164.50
This natural specimen of green tsavorite grossular garnet was mined near the famous "Scorpion Mine" in the Taita Hills of Kenya. The tsavorite garnet is exposed on all surfaces. It is semi-transparent with natural rich green color. The tsavorite formed within pale blue-gray opaque tanzanite. See also an opposite side view of this natural color tsavorite green garnet mineral specimen.

Uvarovite Green Garnet Druze on Matrix

This unique item is sold.
Code: uvam156
Uvarovite Mineral Specimen Dimensions: 1.3" x 0.7" x 0.6"
(34mm x 17mm x 16mm)
Discovered at the Saranovskiy Mine, Russia
Price: $24.50
This natural specimen of uvarovite garnet druze on matrix was discovered at the Saranovskiy Mine, Russia. The tiny green garnet crystals have intense color and dodecahedral form. They have very brilliant vitreous luster.

Green Uvarovite Garnet Druze on Matrix

This unique item is sold.
Code: uvam162
This natural uvarovite rough specimen weighs 0.6 Lbs
Uvarovite Mineral Specimen Dimensions: 4.1" x 2.4" x 0.9"
(103mm x 62mm x 48mm)
Discovered at the Saranovskiy Mine, Russia
Price: $142.50
This natural specimen of uvarovite garnet druze on matrix was discovered at the Saranovskiy Mine, Russia. The tiny green garnet crystals have intense color and dodecahedral form. They have a brilliant vitreous luster and measure up to 2.5mm in diameter! See also a full-view photo.

Green Uvarovite Garnet Druze on Matrix

This unique item is sold.
Code: uvam154
This natural uvarovite rough specimen weighs 0.5 Lbs
Uvarovite Garnet Specimen Size: 4.5" x 3" x 0.7"
(115mm x 75mm x 19mm)
Discovered at the Saranovskiy Mine, Russia
Price: $169.50
This natural specimen of uvarovite garnet druze on matrix was discovered at the Saranovskiy Mine, Russia. This specimen was sawn to remove excess matrix. The tiny green garnet crystals have intense color and dodecahedral form. They have brilliant vitreous luster and measure up to 1.5mm in diameter. See also a full-view photo.

Uvarovite Green Garnet Druze on Matrix

This unique item is sold.
Code: uvam165
This natural uvarovite rough specimen weighs 1.3 Lbs
Uvarovite Garnet Specimen Size: 4.4" x 4.3" x 2.8"
(111mm x 109mm x 70mm)
Discovered at the Saranovskiy Mine, Russia
Price: $131.25
This natural specimen of uvarovite garnet druze on matrix was discovered at the Saranovskiy Mine, Russia. The tiny green garnet crystals have intense color and dodecahedral form. They have very brilliant vitreous luster and measure up to 1mm across. See also a side-view photo and a back-view photo.

Natural Goshenite Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: gosm127
This natural goshenite specimen weiths 91.0 carats
1.3" long x 1.2" x 1.1"
(34mm x 31mm x 28mm)
Mined in Brazil
Price: $54.50
This natural colorless goshenite specimen is terminated on most surfaces by etched terminations with beautiful vitreous luster. It has etched surface cavities, and it is semi-transparent to transparent with some broken areas.

Naturally Etched Goshenite Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: gosm110
Natural color goshenite specimen weighing 73.3 carats
Goshenite Dimensions: 1.7" long x 0.10" x 0.8"
(43mm x 25mm x 21mm)
Mined in 2005 in Brazil
Price: $73.30
This natural goshenite specimen is terminated on most surfaces by etched natural terminations with beautiful vitreous luster (see photo at left). This superior grade specimen has etched surface cavities and internal chambers, and it is transparent with small facet-grade areas!

Cat's Eye Goshenite Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: gosm112
This natural goshenite specimen weighs 130.6 carats
Goshenite Dimensions: 1.9" long x 1.1" x 0.9"
(49mm x 29mm x 24mm)
Mined in Brazil
Price: $65.30
This natural goshenite specimen has some naturally etched surfaces. This rare goshenite specimen also has some milky areas with cat's-eye chatoyancy! It would yield several carats of flawless cat's eye goshenite gemstones.

Naturally Etched Goshenite Specimen

Code: gosm132
This genuine goshenite crystal weighs 101.9 carats
Goshenite Specimen Dimensions: 1.4" long x 1" x 0.8"
(36mm x 32mm x 18mm)
Mined in Brazil
Price: $101.90
This natural raw colorless goshenite specimen is terminated on most surfaces by etched terminations with beautiful vitreous luster. It has etched surface cavities, and it is transparent with small gem-grade areas inside.

Naturally Etched Goshenite Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: gosm133
This genuine goshenite crystal weighs 161.4 carats
Goshenite Specimen Dimensions: 1.8" long x 1.3" x 0.9"
(47mm x 34mm x 24mm)
Mined in Brazil
Price: $129.12
This natural colorless goshenite specimen is terminated on most surfaces by etched terminations with beautiful vitreous luster. It has etched surface cavities, and it is transparent with small gem-grade areas inside.

Naturally Etched Goshenite Specimen

Code: gosm134
This genuine goshenite crystal weighs 160.7 carats
Goshenite Specimen Dimensions: 1.8" long x 1.1" x 0.8"
(46mm x 29mm x 21mm)
Mined in Brazil
Price: $144.63
This natural raw goshenite specimen is almost colorless with very pale green natural color. It is terminated on most surfaces by etched terminations with beautiful vitreous luster. It has etched surface cavities, and it is transparent with small gem-grade areas inside. See also another view of this natural goshenite crystal.

Naturally Etched Goshenite Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: gosm117
Natural goshenite specimen weighing 210.0 carats
Goshenite Dimensions: 2.4" long x 1.5" x 1.1"
(62mm x 38mm x 28mm)
Mined in Brazil
Price: $189.00
This natural goshenite specimen is terminated on most surfaces by etched terminations with beautiful vitreous luster (see photo at left). This superior quality specimen has etched surface cavities and internal chambers, and it is transparent with small facet-grade areas.

Large Cat's Eye Goshenite Specimen (1137 carats)

Code: gosm118
Cat's eye goshenite specimen weighs 1137 carats (227.4 grams)
Goshenite Dimensions: 3.5" long x 2.8" x 2.2"
(89mm x 55mm x 72mm)
Mined in Brazil
Price: $409.32
This natural raw goshenite specimen is terminated on most surfaces by etched terminations with some broken surfaces. This rare goshenite specimen also has large pure areas with cat's-eye chatoyancy! It would yield over 100 carats of cat's eye goshenite gemstones. See also a back-view photo, and a close-up photo showing a small transparent area along one edge.

Morganite Specimen

Code: morm173
Natural color morganite rough specimen weighing 240 carats (48.0 gr)
Morganite Specimen Dimensions: 1.9" x 1.6" x 0.8"
Discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $44.50
This natural color morganite specimen has very pale pink color at one end and it grades into colorless goshenite at the other end as shown. It is semi-transparent to transparent.

Yellow-Green Beryl Crystal, 316.5 Carats

Code: aqum497
Natural yellow beryl crystal weighs 316.5 carats
Yellow-Green Heliodor Dimensions: 1.5" x 1.4" x 1.2"
Discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $126.60
This lapidary grade raw beryl mineral specimen is a partially terminated natural crystal section with hexagonal form that is semi-transparent with yellow-green natural color. Yellow green beryl beryl is sometimes called green aquamarine, and it is also known as heliodor. This semi-transparent heliodor specimen would yield a couple of cabochons measuring 30x25mm. See an opposite side view of this natural color yellow-green beryl crystal. See also an end view of this natural color yellow green aquamarine crystal.

Golden Beryl Mineral Specimen

Code: helm167
Natural color golden beryl weighing 494.4 carats (98.88 grams)
Golden Beryl Dimensions: 2.4" x 1.8" x 1.4"
Found in 2003 in North Eastern Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $38.50
This natural golden beryl specimen is translucent with natural golden color. There is a small amount of beige color microcline and some black tourmaline.

Golden Beryl Mineral Specimen

Code: helm168
Natural color golden beryl weighing 525 carats (105 grams)
Golden Beryl Dimensions: 2.6" x 1.875" x 1.43"
Found in 2003 in North Eastern Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $41.50
This natural golden beryl specimen is translucent with natural golden color. There is also some beige color microcline and black tourmaline. See also an opposite side view of this golden beryl specimen.

Golden Beryl Mineral Specimen

Code: helm169
Natural color golden beryl weighing 588 carats (1117.6 grams)
Golden Beryl Dimensions: 4.3" x 2.2" x 0.8"
Found in 2003 in North Eastern Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $68.50
This natural golden beryl specimen has a relatively thin flat shape. It is translucent with natural golden color. There is also a small amount of beige color microcline, mica and black tourmaline.

Golden Beryl Specimen

Code: helm153
Natural color golden beryl weighing 1048 carats (209.6 grams)
Golden Beryl Dimensions: 3.2" x 3" x 1.3"
Found in 2003 in North Eastern Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $81.50
This natural raw heliodor specimen is mostly translucent with very strong golden-yellow natural color. Heliodor with this natural color is also known as golden beryl. There is a small amount of beige color microcline and some black tourmaline in this natural golden beryl mineral specimen.

Golden Beryl Specimen with Aquamarine

Code: helm170
Natural color golden beryl weighing 1338 carats (267.6 grams)
Golden Beryl Dimensions: 3.7" x 2.8" x 1.6"
Found in 2003 in North Eastern Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $104.50
This natural heliodor specimen is translucent to semi-transparent with some small gem-grade transparent areas! Most of this specimen has strong golden natural color, and there are some areas with pale yellow natural color. This beryl specimen also has a some beige color microcline and a small amount of black tourmaline. See also an opposite side view of this golden beryl mineral specimen.

Golden-Yellow Beryl Specimen

Code: helm171
Natural color golden-yellow beryl weighing 2500 carats (500 grams)
Beryl Specimen Dimensions: 3.3" x 3.2" x 2.2"
Found in 2003 in North Eastern Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $182.50
This natural beryl specimen weighs 1.1 pounds! It is a golden-yellow beryl crystal section with partial hexagonal form. It is translucent to semi-transparent with golden yellow natural color. This beryl specimen also has some beige color microcline, gray quartz, and a small amount of black tourmaline and mica. See an opposite side view of this golden beryl mineral specimen. See also a side view of this 100% natural golden beryl specimen.

Heliodor Crystal

Code: helm165
Natural color heliodor crystal weighing 16.0 carats (3.20 grams)
Beryl Crystal Dimensions: 1.1" long x 0.35" x 0.3" (28mm x 9mm x 7mm)
Mined in 2002 at Padre Paraiso, Brazil
Price: $104.00
This natural color beryl crystal is naturally terminated with all natural surfaces in good condition. It has light green natural color. This 1.1 inch long natural color beryl crystal is transparent throughout its length with gem-grade transparency in the upper half. See also an upright view of this heliodor crystal. This heliodor crystal has hexagonal prismatic form with a flat pinacoidal termination at the top.

Heliodor Crystal Specimen

Code: helm166
Natural color heliodor crystal weighing 32.98 carats
Beryl Crystal Dimensions: 1.1" long x 0.5" x 0.4" (28mm x 12.5mm x 10mm)
Mined in 2002 at Padre Paraiso, Brazil
Price: $214.37
This natural color heliodor specimen is a crystal section with hexagonal prismatic form and all natural surfaces. It has greenish-yellow natural color. This 1.1 inch long natural color beryl crystal is transparent throughout its length with several small gem-grade areas inside. See also an upright view of this heliodor crystal specimen.

Golden Beryl Crystal with Black Tourmalines

Code: helm162
Natural color golden beryl crystal weighing 44.08 carats
Golden Beryl Crystal Dimensions: 0.9" long x 0.6" x 0.5" (22.5mm x 16mm x 13mm)
Mined in 2002 at Padre Paraiso, Brazil
Price: $352.64
This naturally terminated raw golden beryl specimen is a crystal with all natural prismatic faces and terminations in good condition. The golden-yellow color is completely natural. This golden beryl crystal is transparent with several acicular black tourmaline crystals inside. Some of the slender black tourmalines pass all the way through this natural heliodor crystal. See a side view of this unique heliodor mineral specimen. See also an opposite side view of this natural color heliodor mineral specimen.

2.5 inch Heliodor Crystal

Code: helm142
Natural color heliodor specimen weighing 106.4 carats (21.28 grams)
Heliodor Crystal Dimensions: 2.6" long x 0.6" x 0.5" (65mm x 14.5mm x 12mm)
Mined in 2002 at Padre Paraiso, Brazil
Price: $521.36 (regular price: $745.)
This naturally terminated heliodor crystal has all natural surfaces with its prismatic faces and terminations in good overall condition with some abrasions. The color is a very beautiful and strong natural greenish yellow. This 2.6 inch long natural heliodor crystal is transparent throughout its length with several small flawless areas inside.

Multi-Color Beryl Crystal

Code: helm161
Natural color heliodor/aquamarine crystal weighing 78.7 carats (15.74 grams)
Beryl Crystal Dimensions: 2.4" long x 0.5" x 0.4" (60mm x 12mm x 10mm)
Mined in 2002 at Padre Paraiso, Brazil
Price: $944.40
This rare collector crystal is naturally terminated at each end (bi-terminated) with all natural surfaces in mostly excellent condition with a small naturally abraded area at one end. The color is completely natural; it pale blue at one end then greenish-gold, and the it becomes pale green at the opposite end! This 2.5 inch long natural color beryl crystal is transparent throughout its length with several facet grade areas inside. See an opposite side view of this heliodor with aquamarine crystal. This heliodor crystal has hexagonal prismatic form with basal pinacoid terminations at each end.

3.5 inch Heliodor Crystal

Code: helm146
Natural color heliodor specimen weighing 364.8 carats (72.96 grams)
Heliodor Crystal Dimensions: 3.5" long x 0.75" x 0.6" (88mm x 25.5mm x 18.5mm)
Mined in 2002 at Padre Paraiso, Brazil
Price: $2918.40 (regular price: $3650.)
This beautiful collector crystal of naturally terminated heliodor has all natural surfaces with its prismatic faces and terminations in very good condition. The rich color is completely natural, it is a very strong greenish yellow with a colorless zone right at the tip! This 3.5 inch long natural color beryl crystal is transparent throughout its length with several facet grade areas inside. See a view of this heliodor crystal standing upright. This heliodor crystal has unusual tapering hexagonal form which gets smaller in diameter towards its tip. See also an opposite side view of this natural heliodor crystal.

Gem-Grade Heliodor Crystal, 5.2 inches long

Code: helm147
Natural color heliodor specimen weighing 396.4 carats (79.28 grams)
Heliodor Crystal Dimensions: 5.2" long x 0.85" x 0.6" (131mm x 22mm x 16mm)
Mined in 2002 at Padre Paraiso, Brazil
Price: $3171.20 (regular price: $3965.)
This beautiful collector crystal of naturally terminated heliodor has all natural surfaces. This natural heliodor crystal's prismatic faces and terminations are in good condition. The rich color is completely natural, it is a very strong greenish yellow with a nearly colorless very pale blue zone (aquamarine) right at the tip! This 5.2 inch long natural color beryl crystal is transparent throughout its length with many small facet grade areas inside. This heliodor crystal has very unusual tapering hexagonal form which gets larger in diameter towards its tip! See also an opposite side view of this natural heliodor crystal.

Botryoidal Hematite Mineral Specimen

Code: hemm158
Botryoidal Hematite Specimen Dimensions: 1.8" x 1.6" x 0.8"
Mined in the Sahara Desert, Morroco
Price: $21.50
This top surface of this natural hematite mineral specimen has grape-like or botryoidal formations with nice metallic luster.

Botryoidal Hematite Mineral Specimen

Code: hemm157
Botryoidal Hematite Specimen Dimensions: 2" x 1.5" x 1"
Mined in the Sahara Desert, Morroco
Price: $24.50
This top surface of this natural hematite mineral specimen has grape-like or botryoidal formations with nice metallic luster.

Botryoidal Hematite Mineral Specimen

Code: hemm146
Botryoidal Hematite Specimen Dimensions: 2" x 2" x 1.3"
Mined in the Sahara Desert, Morroco
Price: $31.50
This top surface of this natural hematite mineral specimen has grape-like or botryoidal formations with beautiful metallic luster.

Botryoidal Hematite Mineral Specimen

Code: hemm159
Botryoidal Hematite Specimen Dimensions: 2.3" x 1.7" x 1.3"
Mined in the Sahara Desert, Morroco
Price: $34.50
This top surface of this natural hematite mineral specimen has grape-like or botryoidal formations with beautiful metallic luster.

Botryoidal Hematite Mineral Specimen

Code: hemm160
Botryoidal Hematite Specimen Dimensions: 3.1" x 1.8" x 1.3"
Mined in the Sahara Desert, Morroco
Price: $62.50
This top surface of this natural hematite mineral specimen has grape-like or botryoidal formations with beautiful metallic luster.

Botryoidal Hematite Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: hemm152
Natural hematite specimen weighs one pound
Botryoidal Hematite Specimen Dimensions: 5.3" x 3.5" x 1.1"
Mined in the Sahara Desert, Morroco
Price: $112.50
This top surface of this natural hematite mineral specimen has bubbly or botryoidal formations with metallic luster. This hematite specimen is lapidary grade and could be used to make unique and very beautiful gemstones with the natural botryoidal upper surface. See also a full view of this natural lapidary grade specimen of botryoidal hematite.

Botryoidal Hematite Specimen

Code: hemm153
Natural hematite specimen weighs 2.1 Lbs
Botryoidal Hematite Specimen Dimensions: 5.2" x 3.8" x 2.4"
Mined in the Sahara Desert, Morroco
Price: $112.95
This top surface of this natural hematite mineral specimen has bubbly or botryoidal formations. See also an upright view of this natural hematite specimen. See an additional view of this natural hematite specimen.

Botryoidal Hematite Decorator Specimen

Code: hemm162
Natural hematite specimen weighs 1.2 Lbs
Botryoidal Hematite Specimen Dimensions: 3.8" x 2.9" x 1.6"
Mined in the Sahara Desert, Morroco
Price: $131.25
The upper surface of this collector quality specimen of natural botryoidal hematite is covered with very nice grape-like or botryoidal formations showing metallic luster.

Botryoidal Hematite Decorator Specimen

Code: hemm161
Natural hematite specimen weighs 2.3 Lbs
Botryoidal Hematite Specimen Dimensions: 4.6" x 4" x 2.5"
Mined in the Sahara Desert, Morroco
Price: $182.25
This top surface of this natural hematite mineral specimen has grape-like or botryoidal formations with beautiful metallic luster. There some botryoidal hematite formations on the bottom side as well!

Botryoidal Hematite Decorator Specimen

Code: hemm163
Natural hematite specimen weighs 2.2 Lbs
Botryoidal Hematite Specimen Dimensions: 5.6" x 4.4" x 1.8"
Mined in the Sahara Desert, Morroco
Price: $214.95
The upper surface of this collector quality specimen of natural botryoidal hematite is covered with beautiful grape-like or botryoidal formations showing metallic luster.

Botryoidal Hematite Specimen

Code: hemm154
Natural hematite specimen weighs 2.5 Lbs
Botryoidal Hematite Specimen Dimensions: 5.2" x 4" x 2.2"
Mined in the Sahara Desert, Morroco
Price: $225.00
This top surface of this natural hematite mineral specimen has bubbly or botryoidal formations with metallic luster.

Hematite Decorator Specimen

Code: hemm155
Natural hematite specimen weighs 4.4 Lbs
Botryoidal Hematite Specimen Dimensions: 7" x 4" x 2.7"
Mined in the Sahara Desert, Morroco
Price: $315.00
The image at left shows a side view of this beautiful botryoidal hematite decorator specimen. This top surface of this natural hematite mineral specimen has bubbly or botryoidal formations with metallic luster. See also a top view of this natural botryoidal hematite specimen.

Hematite Decorator Specimen

Code: hemm164
Natural hematite specimen weighs 4.6 Lbs
Botryoidal Hematite Specimen Dimensions: 5.8" x 5.3" x 2.8"
Mined in the Sahara Desert, Morroco
Price: $325.00
The image at left shows a close-up view of this collector quality botryoidal hematite decorator specimen. The top surface of this natural hematite mineral specimen has bubbly or botryoidal formations with metallic luster. See also a full view of this natural botryoidal hematite decorator specimen.

Large Hematite Decorator Specimen

Code: hemm156
Natural hematite specimen weighs 8.4 Lbs
Botryoidal Hematite Specimen Dimensions: 7.4" x 5.5" x 3.7"
Mined in the Sahara Desert, Morroco
Price: $445.00
The top surface of this beautiful botryoidal hematite decorator specimen has bubbly or botryoidal formations with metallic luster. See another view of this natural botryoidal hematite decorator specimen.

Large Botryoidal Hematite Decorator Mineral Specimen

Code: hemm143
Natural hematite specimen weighs 9.9 Lbs
Botryoidal Hematite Specimen Dimensions: 9.2" x 7.2" x 2.8"
Sahara Desert, Morroco
Price: $545.00
This upper surface of this collector quality hematite decorator specimen is covered with natural grape-like or botryoidal hematite formations with wonderful metallic luster. The image at left shows a close-up view, see also a full view of this beautiful large botryoidal hematite specimen.

Large Botryoidal Hematite Decorator Mineral Specimen

Code: hemm144
Natural hematite specimen weighs 14.8 Lbs
Botryoidal Hematite Specimen Dimensions: 9." x 6.5" x 5"
Sahara Desert, Morroco
Price: $625.00
This wonderful decorator specimen of natural botryoidal hematite has natural grape-like or botryoidal hematite formations with metallic luster. See also an additional view of this large botryoidal hematite specimen.

Very Large Botryoidal Hematite Decorator Mineral Specimen

Code: hemm145
Natural hematite specimen weighs 33.8 Lbs
Botryoidal Hematite Specimen Dimensions: 18" x 10" x 4.2"
Sahara Desert, Morroco
Price: $1265.00
This spectacular hematite decorator specimen has natural grape-like or botryoidal hematite formations with metallic luster. This wonderful decorator specimen is 18 inches long and weighs 33.8 pounds. The image at left shows an eleven inch long close-up view, see also a full view of this collector quality large botryoidal hematite decorator specimen.

Gold Rutile with Hematite in Quartz

Code: rtqm165
Gold rutile with hematite in quartz matrix weighing 0.25 Lbs
Quartz Matrix Dimensions: 2.3" wide x 1.8" x 1.5"
This quartz specimen with hematite and gold rutile was mined in Brazil
Price: $94.25
This raw rough specimen of gold rutile with hematite on translucent quartz matrix is completely natural - just as it was found in the earth. This specimen is unheated and untreated, and all surfaces are completely natural. The hematite has very brilliant metallic luster. There is a large expanse of specular hematite with gold rutile exposed on the surface of the quartz as shown.

4.5 Lb. Green Kunzite (hiddenite) Crystal

Code: hidm110
This genuine kunzite crystal weighs 2038 grams (4.5 pounds)
Green kunzite crystal measurements: 8.3" long x 3.0" x 2.1" (21.1cm x 7.6cm x 5.3cm)
Mined in Gilgit, Pakistan
Price: $11209.00
This very rare size & fine quality raw green kunzite crystal (also known as hiddenite) weighs 4.5 pounds! It is unheated and untreated. This spodumene is actually is bi-color, having very intense golden-lime color at one end with deep green color at the opposite end (100% natural colors), and it has large areas with superb transparency as shown in the photo at left, with many facet-grade areas in its interior. This spectacular golden-green spodumene crystal is also naturally terminated at each end (referred to as being bi-terminated). See also an opposite side view.

30.4 gram Green Kunzite Crystal

Code: hidm113
This Natural Green Kunzite Crystal weighs 30.4 grams
Green kunzite crystal dimensions 44mm x 23mm x 18mm
Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $183.00
This very blocky, fine quality, facet grade,light tone of yellow green kunzite crystal (also known by some in the trade as hiddenite) weighs 22.9 grams. It actually is not green enough to be called hiddenite, and it does not appear to be colored by chromium. It does have a very large area with superb transparency as shown in the photo at left, and could be faceted into a very nice pendant size gem or multiple smaller gems.. This spectacular medium light tone yellow-green spodumene crystal is of natural color, it has not been treated or color enhanced in any way. The color is very very stable and has been fade tested for a long period of time. It is also partialy terminated on one end. See also a edge-view photo.

5 inch Pale Green Kunzite Specimen (1/2 pound!)

Code: kunm260
1229.5 carats (245.9 grams)
5" long x 1.8" x 1"
mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $124.50
This natural kunzite specimen has pale yellowish-green natural color when viewed under daylight as shown at left. It is unheated and untreated. This pale green raw kunzite (spodumene) specimen is semi-transparent with small transparent areas.

1540 carat Yellow Kunzite (0.7 pounds!!)

Code: kunm257
Natural color yellow kunzite weighing 1540 carats (308 grams)
Yellow Kunzite Dimensions: 4.5" long x 1.9" x 1"
Found in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $146.25
This natural specimen of kunzite weighs 1540 carats. It has pale greenish-yellow natural color when viewed under daylight as shown at left. It is unheated and untreated. This pale green kunzite (kunzite is a variety of the mineral spodumene) is semi-transparent with some transparent areas and some fine cabochon gem-grade areas.

5.2 inch Yellow Kunzite Crystal

Code: kunm370
Kunzite specimen weighing 1615 carats (323 grams)
This natural color kunzite crystal is 5.2" long x 1.6" x 1.2"
This genuine kunzite was found by local miners in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $463.42
This kunzite specimen is a naturally terminated transparent kunzite crystal with greenish yellow natural color. It is unheated and untreated. The photo at left shows a close-up of the naturally terminated tip, see also a full view photo of this natural yellow kunzite crystal.

5130 carat Tri-Color Kunzite Crystal Specimen!

Code: kunm395
Natural color kunzite crystal weighs 5130 carats (1026 grams)
This kunzite crystal is 6.7" long x 3.1" x 1.8"
This genuine kunzite was found in 2003 at Nooristan, Afghanistan
Price: $2458.00
This large size kunzite crystal specimen weighs 2.25 pounds! It is unheated and untreated. It is a natural color kunzite crystal (kunzite is a variety of the mineral spodumene) with areas showing light pink color, golden-yellow color, and light green color! The photo at left is a back-lit view. See also a front lit view of this spodumene crystal specimen. This specimen is naturally bi-terminated with terminations in good condition. It is semi-transparent to transparent with several gem grade areas inside. There is a 1.5 inch long partially terminated quartz intergrown on the opposite side! See a back lit view of the opposite side of this natural tri-color kunzite crystal. See also another view of this tri-color kunzite specimen.

Almandine Garnet in Matrix

Code: almm204
Natural garnet in matrix specimen weighing 4.0 lbs
Size: 7.5" x 4" x 3"
Mined at Itabira, Brazil
Price: $112.50
This natural decorator mineral specimen has almandine garnet in a matrix of sillimanite and biotite with a small amount of iolite.

Almandine Garnet with Biotite, Iolite and Sillimanite

Code: almm203
Natural garnet in matrix specimen weighing 4.2 lbs
Size: 9.5" x 4.6" x 1.8"
Mined at Itabira, Brazil
Price: $116.50
This natural mineral specimen has almandine garnets in sillimanite-biotite schist matrix with iolite. There are garnets exposed on the opposite side as well. See also an opposite side view of this unique garnet in matrix mineral specimen.

Natural Iolite Rough Specimens

Code: iolm130x-iolite-rough-specimens
available in several sizes, please see below to order
Natural iolite rough pieces found in India
These natural raw iolite specimens were mined in India. They are translucent to semi-transparent with areas showing grayish-purplish-blue color. See a close-up photo showing one of these natural iolite specimen held up to a light. The best way to see the colors is to wet the material (or polish it!). These make great specimens of natural untreated iolite just as they are, although they are also suitable as lapidary rough to make commercial grade iolite cabochons, carvings, etc...

We have these natural iolite mineral specimens available in several sizes, please see below to order.

1.5 inch Natural Iolite Rough Specimens

Code: iolm130-1p5-iolite-rough-specimens
Price: $8.95

2 inch Natural Iolite Rough Specimens

Code: iolm130-2-iolite-rough-specimens
Price: $14.95

2.5 inch Natural Iolite Rough Specimens

Code: iolm130-2p5-iolite-rough-specimens
Price: $19.95

Natural Iolite Rough Specimen

Code: iolm131
Iolite Specimen Dimensions: 2.3" x 1.3" x 0.6"
Mined in India
Price: $21.95
This natural mineral specimen of translucent iolite has blue-violet color. It is completely natural and has not been heated or treated in any way.

Natural Iolite Rough Specimen

Code: iolm132
Iolite Specimen Dimensions: 2.6" x 2" x 1.1"
Mined in India
Price: $54.95
This natural mineral specimen of translucent raw iolite has blue-violet natural color. It is completely natural and has not been heated or treated in any way.

Natural Iolite Mineral Specimen

Code: iolm133
Iolite Specimen Dimensions: 3.2" x 2.8" x 1.5"
Mined in India
Price: $92.50
This natural mineral specimen of translucent raw iolite has blue-violet color. It is completely natural and has not been heated or treated in any way.

Dichroic Iolite Rough Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: iolm138
Natural iolite rough weighing 91.2 carats
Iolite Rough Dimensions: 1" x 1" x 0.8"
Mined in Tanzania
Price: $68.40
This natural specimen of iolite was mined in Tanzania. The iolite is semi-transparent to transparent with deep blue-violet natural colors in one position when held to a light, and then when turned 90 degrees some areas of the iolite become almost colorless to pale brown as shown - evidence of its natural dichroism. This genuine iolite rough specimen is completely natural and has not been heated or treated in any way. See a photo at 90 degrees of this natural color dichroic iolite specimen held up to a light.

Iolite Rough Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: iolm139
Natural iolite rough weighing 168.8 carats
Iolite Rough Dimensions: 1.6" x 1.2" x 0.8"
Mined in Tanzania
Price: $84.50
This natural specimen of iolite was mined in Tanzania. The iolite has blue-violet natural color. It is translucent to semi-transparent. It is completely natural and has not been heated or treated in any way.

Gem-Grade Dichroic Iolite Rough Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: iolm136
Natural iolite rough weighing 72 carats
Iolite Rough Dimensions: 1.1" x 1" x 0.75"
Mined in Tanzania
Price: $144.00
This natural specimen of iolite was mined in Tanzania. The iolite has deep blue-violet natural colors in one position when held to a light as shown, and then when turned 90 degrees some areas of the iolite become almost colorless to pale brown. See another photo showing this natural dichroic iolite. It is transparent with a large facet grade area inside. This iolite specimen is completely natural and has not been heated or treated in any way.

Jaspetized Rhyolite

Code: jasl109
Natural rhyolite specimen weighing 1.5 Lbs
Jaspetized Ryholite Dimensions: 7.5" x 3.6" x 1.5"
Mojave Desert, Nevada, USA
Price: $7.95
This jaspetized rhyolite specimen has natural colors ranging from white to tan-yellow to shades of pink. It was mined in the Eastern Mojave Desert of Nevada, USA.

Red Jasper Rough Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: jasl110
Natural color jasper rough specimen weighing 3.2 Lbs
Jasper Rough Dimensions: 6" x 5" x 3.3"
Mojave Desert, Nevada, USA
Price: $26.95
This colorful decorator specimen of natural jasper has a thick layer of beautiful brick red jasper with a layer of deeper maroon color jasper along the edge. One surface is covered with a thin layer of volcanic ash. This jasper rough specimen could also be used as lapidary rough, and it would yield a sphere over 2 inches in diameter.

17.8 pound Caramel Jasper Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: jasm129
17.8 Lbs
9.5" x 6" x 6"
Price: $82.50
This large size decorator specimen of natural jasper has colors in delicious shades of caramel and milk chocolate in the upper part with a thick layer of dark chocolate on the bottom! It was mined in the USA.

Leopard Skin Jasper Specimen, 5.3 Lbs

This unique item is sold.
Code: jasl106
Natural color jasper rough specimen weighing 5.3 Lbs
Jasper Rough Dimensions: 6.5" x 5" x 5"
Price: $54.95
This 5.3 pound leopard skin jasper rough specimen was mined in Mexico. It is superior lapidary grade with a beautiful multi-colored appearance with dots and bull's eyes in shades of yellow, brown, grayish-green, red and white. It makes a great specimen of leopard skin jasper just as it is, although it would also yield a 3 inch diameter sphere!

Leopard Skin Jasper Specimen, 7.5 Lbs

Code: jasl107
Natural color jasper rough specimen weighing 7.5 Lbs
Jasper Rough Dimensions: 12.3" x 5.7" x 3.7"
Price: $78.50
This 7.5 pound leopard skin jasper rough specimen was mined in Mexico. It is superior lapidary grade with a beautiful and unique multi-colored appearance with dots and bull's eyes in shades of yellow, brown, grayish-green, red and white. It makes a great specimen of leopard skin jasper just as it is, although it would also yield a wonderful large carving! The photo at left shows a close-up. See also a full-view photo of this leopard skin jasper rough.

Spiderweb Jasper Specimen, 4.4 Lbs

This unique item is sold.
Code: jasl112
Natural color rough specimen weighing 6.4 Lbs
Jasper Rough Dimensions: 10.2" x 3.6" x 2.8"
Price: $31.95
This specimen of spiderweb jasper has naturally weathered surfaces. This material is a gray limestone with thin veinlets of red jasper running through the limestone in spiderweb-like patterns. The photo at left shows a close-up. See also a full-view photo of this spiderweb jasper specimen.

Ocean Jasper Lapidary Rough Specimen, 5.8 Lbs

This unique item is sold.
Code: jasl108
Natural ocean jasper rough specimen weighing 5.8 Lbs
Ocean Jasper Rough Dimensions: 8.5" x 6.5" x 2.8"
Price: $164.50
This lapidary grade specimen of "Ocean Jasper" rough was mined in Madagascar. "Ocean Jasper" is a rare orbicular jasper variety that is mined at a remote location on the coast of Madagascar. This ocean jasper rough specimen is a wonderful decorator specimen of natural ocean jasper just as it is, although it also is lapidary grade with dots, lines and bull's eyes in unique patterns in beautiful shades of green, white, pink and tan colors (all natural colors).

We also carry an assortment of stands for small & medium sized minerals.

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Last Updated: September 14, 2016
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