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Code: mofw-0906985712
0.8 Lbs, 224 pages (112 color)
7.6" tall x 5" wide x 0.5", 1998
Price: $13.95
From the book's back cover: Identify well over 500 minerals quickly and easily. With brilliant full-color photographs of every mineral, the perfect field and reference guide for making quick, accurate identifications. The complete introductory discussion of mineral forms and properties explains, in detail, the essential criteria for recognizing minerals. Then, you can turn with confidence to the massive, photo-filled section describing in a concise, easy-to-read format each mineral, including: mineral name, streak color, specific gravity, fracture, luster, chemical formula, hardness and more... Anyone fascinated by the remarkable, natural formations of minerals will find this handy field reference invaluable.